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COPO Chevelle brake parts on ebay

How would you know if this came off a COPO? The actual description says it came off a 69 SS.
In case it gets taken down
I’m sure I read COPO Chevelle’s we’re not SS’s but maybe Yenko were SS, they did come factory with L72 427 for COPO
That brake master assembly is the same on any '69 chevelle with power front discs. Over 110,000 chevelles were optioned with this EXACT setup. The COPO 427 cars were based on the SS396/L78 cars, just replacing the 396 with a 427 shortblock. Really nothing bizarre, just rare. I've sold many BA code masters, and still have a couple left and the rest of that stuff pictured.....only minus the rust.
I've come to respect Jerry's knowledge base and learning much along the way. I don't know any of that kind of history and I appreciate it.
High praise sir. Nothing more than just being around these types of cars for so long. I've never owned a COPO, but it does seem anytime one is found, handled, and researched it becomes open to the internet and adds to that same knowledge base. One thing that hasnt ever kept up with the experts is condensing all that in one source, whether it's a book or cyber.
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