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New metal from legendary artists.


Veteran Member
Senior Member
Noticed on YT that several legendary metal artists have new music out recently and largely it’s really good. I’m all for it. It’s way past due for hard rock and metal to come back.
New Ozzy featuring one of my favorite guitarists, Steve Stevens (Billy Idol’s guitarist). I thought he had announced his retirement from music and am glad it’s not true.

Oddly enough, the chick in the video is supposed to be Paris Jackson, the daughter of Michael Jackson and Debbie Rowe.
Iron Maiden
That new Ozzy collab is pretty good. The new Priest is pretty good too, although it bugs the shit out of me that Rob Halford refers to himself as the metal god. The Dickinson and Maiden stuff is good too. Never been a GnR fan, but it's not bad. The Cult is pretty good too. Thanks for posting!
New Ozzy featuring one of my favorite guitarists, Steve Stevens (Billy Idol’s guitarist). I thought he had announced his retirement from music and am glad it’s not true.

Oddly enough, the chick in the video is supposed to be Paris Jackson, the daughter of Michael Jackson and Debbie Rowe.
Paris’s name is in the credits
Ran across this on YT. Billy Idol sounding badass in front of an impressive crowd in Mexico. Looked like a great show.

Watching him sing Cradle of Love reminded
me of the massive crush I had on the girl Devon in the video. Just an absolute badass, 5 star video.

Apparently that girl is now in her early 50s so shes probably still pretty hot because im almost her exact age and I’m a freaking stud.
That's really good, like to hear more........and good organ play takes rock much deeper. I wish Ian could wale out "child in time" again.
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