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So I did the right thing yesterday at the Theater


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My Son wanted to go see the new Ghostbusters movie for his birthday this year so we met him at the movie theater and we went in got tickets and I noticed the girl that sold us the tickets who was like in her early 20's had a huge scare from the throat down. I asked her what had happened, she told us she had a stroke, that was a shock as she was so young. We went into the theater and sat down and watched as people came in before the show. Two guys were in the row in front of us, some black guy and what looked like a mentality challenged person sat down. We watched the movie (it was pretty good) and then when it was over we stayed for the credits to see if there is something at the end, and there was. Juts as the credits ended the mentally challenged guy either slipped or mis-stepped and fell flat on his face and was not moving. As I looked around some people said "are you ok?" and people with jaw dropped faces. I jumped out of my seat went right down there, and the guy started to move, I told his handler who was now in shock to keep an eye on him and I'll get help. Went into the waiting area and found some kid and said "someone fell down and is hurt and we need help right now" I ran back to see how the guy was doing and he was now sitting up but he looked like he was lost in space, he had a HUGE lump on his head and his glasses were all busted. I and his handler lifted him into one of the seats and he then said his arms hurt so I figured he had a concussion.

Finally someone from the theater management came in and asked if we needed help (are you kidding me) so I told the two call 911 or I will, boy were they hesitant to do that. I pulled out my phone and said "fuck it I'm calling for help" and they said we'll get an ambulance and they called right then. The guys handler thanked me and shook my hand. I could not believe how many sheeple were there and just stared then did nothing. WTF is wrong with people these days, I hate to see what will happen to them in a crisis, they all need to wake up. I am always glad to help someone in need, no matter what. It's the right thing to do.
Good on you. I'd be very interested in the follow-up. Did you get the "handler's" contact info? We often complain of the ineptness of the younger generation in professional and commercial industries, but it's everywhere, all the time. I think most folks are programmed at looking at themselves from an outside perspective, or better said, with the eyes of their onlookers, and have little instinctive intelligence. It's far too common, and age is a factor, but so many even older folks have patterned their behavior after thier younger kin. It's tough for me to articulate, but it's easy to recognize.
You did the right thing, In my opinion it’s in your upbringing or how your parents taught you, helping people in need is just the right thing to do, unless they’re trying to get into this country illegally or already here I’m happy to help any English speaking person, last year in the Home Depot parking lot I notice a young couple with a baby that were broke down near the parking lot entrance with the hood up on a nice looking, custom painted Jeep so I went over to offer help, the guy was on the phone speaking Spanish and walked away from me as I approached but the woman walked up to me and said in very broken English he doesn’t speak good English, I looked under the hood and seen a fan belt twisted around the pulleys and told her “Good Luck” looking back I wish I wouldn’t of said anything
Good on you. I'd be very interested in the follow-up. Did you get the "handler's" contact info? We often complain of the ineptness of the younger generation in professional and commercial industries, but it's everywhere, all the time. I think most folks are programmed at looking at themselves from an outside perspective, or better said, with the eyes of their onlookers, and have little instinctive intelligence. It's far too common, and age is a factor, but so many even older folks have patterned their behavior after thier younger kin. It's tough for me to articulate, but it's easy to recognize.
I did not get any contact info, my wife, son and I just left to go eat. I hope the guy is ok and it's really sad to see anyone fall and seriously hurt themselves.
You did the right thing, In my opinion it’s in your upbringing or how your parents taught you, helping people in need is just the right thing to do, unless they’re trying to get into this country illegally or already here I’m happy to help any English speaking person, last year in the Home Depot parking lot I notice a young couple with a baby that were broke down near the parking lot entrance with the hood up on a nice looking, custom painted Jeep so I went over to offer help, the guy was on the phone speaking Spanish and walked away from me as I approached but the woman walked up to me and said in very broken English he doesn’t speak good English, I looked under the hood and seen a fan belt twisted around the pulleys and told her “Good Luck” looking back I wish I wouldn’t of said anything
Thanks, but I didn't get it from my parents. It started after I had my stents put in seeing all the sad patients at the hospital as I saw a need to help people if something were to happen to them now, kind of like Karma I guess for me, do good things and good things will happen to you. People need to take better car of themselves, and if you're watching out for someone, then by all means do that, watch out for them.
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