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New Laptop Battery


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I bought a Chinatown battery for my Dell 17” Latitude E6530 and it came partially charged, Will it hurt leaving the power cord plugged in over night to get a full charge or can it over charge? it’s only a $30 battery so I’m not out much if I do it wrong but I’d rather ask a dumb question lol55775972-AA85-4546-B1BA-3D33A9B10F19.jpeg
A cpl days ago, well last Thurs I got an online permit while sitting on the couch drinking coffee, my printer that's not wireless is in another room so after filling in all the blanks for permit and paying I got to the part to print the permit, I unplugged the laptop and it went dead, the permit was already in the city bldg dept so I really didn't need the printed placard but some owners prefer to see it posted, the guy with the 70 Chevelle wagon said he got an email from Sunbiz so he knew everything was legit, I also had taken a screen shot and showed it to him, I left this plugged in over night, hope this bat lasts a good while, I'm sure all batteries are made in China anyway
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