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1972 454 SS W code

The Delco replacement for the PF35 is PF 1218.
I've seen a video of it being cut open and it's a good filter.
It's also a fraction of the cost of a WIX, so i can put a new one on every year for cheap.

$5 each at amazon
Anyone ever try Supertech from Walmart? I put one on my van after the Mobile1 5/30 broke my oil gauge in my van along with Valvoline 5/30, gauge is still stuck on 80 though
This is from a quick Google search but its a 2022 Cnet, I use to use Napa Gold but not anymore, think Im going to be using ACDelco or Baldwin


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I use the PF1218, painted white with a red and blue sticker on it to look like a '60's version. I'm in at under $10, and the "repro" ones are $35.
Found this real quick, there are others...
I get a new blue PF1218, scuff with scotchbrite, prime and paint white, and apply sticker. Less than $10, and the repro filter are $30
You show that Impala in stock class ? That car is a beauty, especially the interior.
So I can see why you'd want an "original" oil filter (y)
Stock, or if there is a Survivor class, I do that. Its mostly original, and some parts of it are amazingly well preserved. I am an OCD anal person, and if I have a picture in my mind of how I think something should look, I'll spend an inordinate amout of time and money to get there.
I straighten things on my desk subconciously, and wipe off dust that only I can see. Its a blessing and a curse, my stuff is always nice, but I can't let something alone and enjoy it as-is.
I am an OCD anal person, and if I have a picture in my mind of how I think something should look, I'll spend an inordinate amout of time and money to get there.
I straighten things on my desk subconciously, and wipe off dust that only I can see. Its a blessing and a curse, my stuff is always nice, but I can't let something alone and enjoy it as-is.

Man, we sound like brothers. Even my fork and knife have to be aligned on the napkin correctly. I've torn jobs completely apart and redone them because I can't accept anything less than perfection.
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