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OJ Simpson

Sometimes a death is beneficial to the populous, and in this case, this is one of them. I can't say for certain if he was guilty because I wasn't there, but it sure did appear that he was.
Remind me how the investigation turned up any credible suspects besides the black guy.........I'll wait.
The prosecution's DNA test results in the Simpson case indicated that O.J. Simpson's blood was found on a rear gate at the murder scene.
IIRC, there were plenty of outright calls for riots if the verdict didn't get the killer off. This was my first lived experience of the system hiding the truth to gain an outcome, or at least the first I paid any attention to.
IIRC, there were plenty of outright calls for riots if the verdict didn't get the killer off. This was my first lived experience of the system hiding the truth to gain an outcome, or at least the first I paid any attention to.
That's probably why the prosecutor had OJ try on the dried out shrunken leather glove.
They needed something to release him. They knew that glove wouldn't fit !
That was my theory as well. It's been made crystal clear prosecutors get their orders from several tiers up.
I saw an interview with Marsh Clark recently during an anniversary of the murders. I believe they regretted that their failure during the trial tainted their reputations and careers and I believe concede that trying on the glove was a big mistake.
I had never consider anything other than it was a colossal, bonehead, amateur hour mistake. But knowing what we know now about corruption in the government, I can see why someone would believe they tanked the prosecution on purpose. Given the tone of the time period in LA picking a predominantly black jury was also handing the defense a monumental advantage.

As said before, the glove looked like it had gotten wet and dried in a shrunken, contorted fashion. Combine that with OJ not really trying to put it on and that clown show gave the already biased jury the excuse they needed to acquit despite the otherwise overwhelming evidence.

It really was an embarrassment to the judicial system. As a black celebrity he really was the perfect defendant for this type of injustice. It reminds me a bit of the Derek Chauvin trial. Because of racial tension in both of those trials facts were meaningless.
The legendary Norm McDonald was reportedly fired from SNL because he refused to stop shitting on OJ and some executive at NBC was friends with OJ.

Here’s a clip where Norm talks about it:

And here he is shitting on OJ:

Apparently he had an accomplice. The reason for the attack was due to drugs! Check out America’s Untold Stories and YouTube. There was unknown blood evidence that was likely from the accomplice that they didn’t follow up on. A lot of lies and coverups during the trial. Overall a very sad tale!
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