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For bench seat fans

Nashville Cat

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Senior Member
I don't care for bench seats, but this is very cool (it came out of a 66 Impala, but could fit many Chevelles)

I can't get on Fbook, guessing it's a fold down arm rest along with head rests, Strato bench?
that price will never be met, it's value lies somewhere around $300 but good luck.
Seriously ? I paid $7 to get into my nephew's baseball game yesterday.
I was shocked. It was a jayvee game where the subs on each team play each other.
Are you sure you've kept up with prices ? Chevelle bench seats, not nearly as nice as this, are fetching $600 to $700 each front and rear.
Seriously ? I paid $7 to get into my nephew's baseball game yesterday.
I was shocked. It was a jayvee game where the subs on each team play each other.
Are you sure you've kept up with prices ? Chevelle bench seats, not nearly as nice as this, are fetching $600 to $700 each front and rear.

Selling large items like a seat locally usually will get you 1/2 what ebay will if it's a popular item. This seat may be a good core, but it isn't "drop in" ready unless the buyer just doesn't care that the color and upholstery won't match anything on their car. Have no idea what pattern that is, but it isn't chevrolet b-body. It doesn't appear to have release buttons, so the backs and aprons should be metal, which is a plus. Not sure where you're seeing bench seats selling for those figures, but that's way high for this area.
Selling large items like a seat locally usually will get you 1/2 what ebay will if it's a popular item. This seat may be a good core, but it isn't "drop in" ready unless the buyer just doesn't care that the color and upholstery won't match anything on their car. Have no idea what pattern that is, but it isn't chevrolet b-body. It doesn't appear to have release buttons, so the backs and aprons should be metal, which is a plus. Not sure where you're seeing bench seats selling for those figures, but that's way high for this area.
Yes the seat definitely needs to be redone. At least with your Vette you only have to do two buckets. :)
Think its BOP? Cool seat, in the late 80’s I put a leather saddle color split bench with arm rest from a mid/late 70’s Cordoba or Charger in my gold 73 Elky, comfy seat 😆
My first '67 Chevelle had the bench seat mainly because buckets were out of the question due to cost...not many options on the good ole L78 beast! But, my 2nd Chevelle with many options, including AM/FM radio has a bench seat which is why I bought the car! Even though it's a TH400 automatic, I still love it due to it's originality, Some of us just have too many good memories of the bench seat (and with a Hurst Shifter on the floor it doesn't get any better!!!

Chevelle SS 396 005 (2).JPG
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