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The Baldwin-Motion Vega

I had a V8 Vega (self built). It was a blast until I wracked the unibody. I suppose in hindsight had I strengthen the unibody with a subframe and it would have lasted until I blew the engine. Fun is all I can say. I could smoke just about anything I went up against.
Before I swapped the oil guzzling monster out for the 350/350 I couldn't pass by a gas station without filling it with oil and checking the gas. I could do a smoke show and it wasn't with the tires. ;)
My 71 was like that, got rid of it and few yrs later wife came home with a freshly painted 74, I can't remember what happened to it, it was her DD
I’ll never forget seeing a new Vega when they first came out (or possibly before release) on display in the cafeteria at the GM Plant I worked at. That would have been whatever the first year Vegas were produced. I kinda liked it at the time (thanks John DeLorean), but my ‘67 L78 Chevelle SS was in the parking lot, so guess what I liked waaaay better?!! 🥴
I’ll never forget seeing a new Vega when they first came out (or possibly before release) on display in the cafeteria at the GM Plant I worked at. That would have been whatever the first year Vegas were produced. I kinda liked it at the time (thanks John DeLorean), but my ‘67 L78 Chevelle SS was in the parking lot, so guess what I liked waaaay better?!! 🥴
It's too bad that the Vega didn't have an excellent cooling system and a protective circuit that would shut the engine down at ~ 250 degrees ?
Seems that wouldn't have cost too much more and it's reliability would have been excellent.
That aluminum Buick V8 (225 cu in) would have made an interesting option.
That would have been a great fit. Just don't make the mistake of thinking the vega was anything but GM's version of a corolla. Stamped tin structure, weak suspension, weak frontal protection, and rear for that matter. Terrible rust issues, and lousy weather proofing. It's attributes were it's styling, front engine, and sporty seating. My former '72 wagon, I corrected a bunch of design shortcomings, but it was still limited and I just wanted more than it would give so......bye bye. Plus....working under that dash just pissed me off everytime.
That would have been a great fit. Just don't make the mistake of thinking the vega was anything but GM's version of a corolla. Stamped tin structure, weak suspension, weak frontal protection, and rear for that matter. Terrible rust issues, and lousy weather proofing. It's attributes were it's styling, front engine, and sporty seating. My former '72 wagon, I corrected a bunch of design shortcomings, but it was still limited and I just wanted more than it would give so......bye bye. Plus....working under that dash just pissed me off everytime.
Yeah, the Vega was useless for anything other than a straight-line drag car !
Yeah, the Vega was useless for anything other than a straight-line drag car !
Well it would "Usually, Some Times?" get you from point A to point B :LOL: in the late 70's a Hot rodder I knew that was a Caterpillar mech that owned a Bad Azz 68 Camaro SS & 69 Nova SS one had a built 454 other a 427 don't remember which car had which engine, both were black & 4 spds he was building people V8 Vegas, I was there one day when a guy was picking up a 327 4 spd vega, he left and went to the stop light made a right then really got on it through a cpl gears then a real loud crash, guy lost control and totaled the car in a cement T pole, he didn't get hurt too bad IIRC but the car was toast
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