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Probably going to have a new neighbor in the near future.


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Lady next door got a divorce a couple years ago, kids are in college & she just put her place for sale.
Wish you luck......it's always a crap shoot. I recently got lucky on the house I have to look at out my front window. After a perfect neighbor, it went a bit south on the second, way south on the third and now struck gold. The 3rd didn't do squat, not even mow the lawn until it got 2 ft. tall. Everytime the home needed some major repair, they'd do whatever solved the immediate problem and got back to the couch as soon as possible. His dad heired them acreage with an older home 80 miles away and they sold it to a spanish speaking owner/builder/flipper which lead to the current couple who in 4 months have resurrected the grounds, fence and landscaping to meet neighborhood standards.......and the lady of the house is a doll.....BONUS! Sometimes you just have to wait it out.
Lady next door got a divorce a couple years ago, kids are in college & she just put her place for sale.
I checked out the house online. Looks pretty nice. Decent price. Too bad I'm not retired yet. I would prefer something on the water. 🎣
Asshole next to us forced me to put up a fence since he can’t understand plain English when I told him Stay Off Our Property!, Stop Cutting My Grass! Get Your Fucking Truck Off My Lawn!! Then he got No Parking signs installed on our side of the street were Kathy’s been parking since 1987 so I had to have a driveway put in, if this happened 15-20 yrs ago instead of yelling at him I’d just rattled some teeth loose or out of his head
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