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You guys in Florida ready?

I boarded up the windows facing the NE winds (same as Irma) got a 12K BTU ac unit from storage but haven't cut a hole in the plywood yet, put the Gen in the East side Detached garage 12 gal. gas in West side, wall and doorway in between, picked up Blowables in the yard, Then get a phone call on a system not working but Not going told customer Sorry but I'm taking care of my family during this storm, once the storms over I can be there, Just seen 9pm 92 mph wind gusts :oops: We're 2 miles from Tampa Bay
I boarded up the windows facing the NE winds (same as Irma) got a 12K BTU ac unit from storage but haven't cut a hole in the plywood yet, put the Gen in the East side Detached garage 12 gal. gas in West side, wall and doorway in between, picked up Blowables in the yard, Then get a phone call on a system not working but Not going told customer Sorry but I'm taking care of my family during this storm, once the storms over I can be there, Just seen 9pm 92 mph wind gusts :oops: We're 2 miles from Tampa Bay

Yep, not going to be pretty, but glad you don't live for the almighty buck. Some things are worth way more. If shit gets bad, you can head my way.

We'll make room and have space in the steel containers for pets.
Yep, not going to be pretty, but glad you don't live for the almighty buck. Some things are worth way more. If shit gets bad, you can head my way.

We'll make room and have space in the steel containers for pets.
I don't think this will be as bad as Irma, at least I hope not
My wifes worried about these guys, I dont have any idea what to do with'em, 5 dogs and 1 is a blk Lab/Cane Corso mix that already wants to eat her rabbit lol


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Been thinking of you down there Kevin! I predict you will get through this just fine! I was only 10 but will never forget staying up all night in 1960 when Hurricane Donna just missed Sarasota, but I believe that was a smaller storm than this one. I remember mostly the wind. Sarasota has been rather fortunate over the years because of how it's positioned and being on the West Coast but this monster is surely causing some havoc there this time. Up where you are, hopefully this hurricane will dwindle inland and not cause all that much damage.

Keeping everyone in Florida in our prayers,

Ian's not even up here yet and I have a little bit of a mess but hoping it dont get worse, everyone in the path stay safe, other pics didnt load


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See if these post Im getting 0% for loading the better pics so Ill do it later, but a neighbors 30-40 foot tree split and went into the street and some of my Oak tree is in my backyard
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