Old Chevelles

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Search results

  1. Jasons69Chevelle

    Met a old time car guy today

    Had a service call today for a AC not working. Noticed a 72 El Camino picture on the wall. I asked if he still had it. He said yeah he’s owned it for almost 50 years. Then asked do you wanna see it.. heck yeah I told him. Proceed out to his shop and notice the old aces sticker on his window. He...
  2. Jasons69Chevelle

    Milwaukee m12 fuel drill.

    Dang brushless drill is worn out hardly a year old. Took it apart and the stater is rubbing the magnets. I think they have a warranty but I’m not sure if you need to send it in or just take it back to Home Depot. They are like $99 without the batteries/charger I use it everyday but a year is...
  3. Jasons69Chevelle

    Sad state of Brandon

    Just quoted 2 20 ton gas pack AC units. Build time 1 year no guarantee on actual price from the manufacturer. How sad is this country 2 years with liberals running the country.
  4. Jasons69Chevelle

    Pcv woes m/e wagner

    Took my Chevelle out for a cruise this past weekend. Car has been running great. 0 oil consumption, catch can always empty. Got home and noticed it puffing smoke. Pulled the catch can and it was 90% full. Done a oil change today and started the car up it smoked the neighborhood out. Scratched...
  5. Jasons69Chevelle

    Favorite beer?

    What do y’all like to drink beer wise? This needs to be moved to the non Chevelle discussion sorry.
  6. Jasons69Chevelle

    Rain ruined car show plans.

    Can’t complain to much though we need the rain. I haven’t had my car out in over a month. It’s getting driven this weekend no doubt. We’ve had a couple days of rain things dried out yesterday for the car show today so I cleaned the car up. This morning woke up to a down poor. 😑
  7. Jasons69Chevelle

    Explaining auto stuff to non car people

    I’m on a Jeep forum to learn about the potential problems with my wife’s Jeep(Never owned one before or a diesel for that matter) anybody know of a good Jeep forum? The one I’ve found seems to be a bunch of yuppies that can’t figure out why a 10:1 turbo engine goes into reduced power mode during...
  8. Jasons69Chevelle

    Wife has my DD looking like a hobbit lives in it

    Well I’m a month into ordering my wife’s Jeep.(it’s in shipping status) She’s been driving my 4Runner for a month went out to move it and it was terrible inside. Spent the morning cleaning it. Just her and my daughter (13) that’s been in it. I don’t understand how you spill drinks and not clean...
  9. Jasons69Chevelle

    Shop decor

    anybody have crap setting around like this.
  10. Jasons69Chevelle

    Original color

    Haven’t ever looked up the trim tag code for my original color until this morning. I thought it was a butternut yellow but in fact the 50 in the trim tag shows it was a cover white car with black vinyl top. I guess the surface rust, backed on pollen and age had me thinking it was butternut yellow.
  11. Jasons69Chevelle

    From order to window sticker

    Ordered a new Jeep Wrangler for my wife. We ordered on April 15 and received the window sticker today (15 days) dealer said about 6 months is what they are taking to build after the order. I told her I know a guy lol she laughed and thought I was joking, I guess. Here’s a shot of it coming down...
  12. Jasons69Chevelle

    Who’s the a-hole

    So my son And I did some yard work yesterday. About 11 am my neighbor comes over to say we knocked out his back window of his truck with rocks. I told him I’d check the cameras to see. He said not to worry about it he will replace the window because it probably was a accident. I said yeah I hear...
  13. Jasons69Chevelle

    1/2 mile airstrip racing

    Had a interesting day went to a gun show then a car show had lunch. We were headed home and my son spotted what look like racing at the local airport. You walk right past the cars as he teams are working on them it was kinda neat.
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