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Trolling for business


Well-Known Member
Senior Member
One thing I enjoy here is that we don't have salesmen trolling evey post trying to sell their wares under the guise of friendly helpful advice as it's done on the OCS.
Nothing wrong with helpful tech and build info but there is a fine line between that and "telemarketing". How do you folks feel about it?
No add blockers here, and I don't mind an add here or there, but when they take more than half the screen, I just move on. It's pretty annoying when the page shifts as you're reading. Love this place!
I didn't see ads over there but I'm running several ad blockers. This is a very clean Site. I do like having the REPs on the board though. Its a great business addition to have your companies personnel answering product questions on a Site that floats your products.
Never paid to join up either and never saw an ad the entire time. Guess it depends on how you set it up.
I need to apologize as I neglected to mention Mike (cage2592) in that WE (Jon, Mike, and myself) will not allow ads here.

Sorry about that Mike.
My reference was primarily due to a certain individual over there who would seize any and every opportunity to sell his wares to those who might be asking for advice. It's one thing to offer advice but another to.... "I know exactly what you need and I just happen to sell it". If and when I can be helpful I do it in an honest manner, not to profit from it. There are also those who have businesses and "word of mouth" is a good thing but that's not quite the same as direct marketing.
Have a "for sale section" is one thing and having a "services for sale" section is another but either should be in their own department, not in a performance thread.
Just my 2 cents, nothing more.
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