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Yikes OCS

Everyone with common sense and who can actually admit when they are wrong are welcome, all others need not apply.

We don't have time to babysit people with personality disorders. :cool:
I suppose you're right.
He would join, find out he's a twerp and probably become a hermit.
I won't pretend to be in charge, but here is my outlook. Everyone is welcome to come. However, with the liberty to be yourself and say what you want comes the responsibility to be respectful to others at all times. It doesn't mean you have to have any affection, just every day common decency. If you can't act decently, even when slightly provoked, you don't need to be here. I hope I don't die on those words. :)
He does have some issues, and it's quite sad for a grown man to act in that fashion. We had a kid in junior high that came from wealth, he was above aveage in every aspect, but severely lacked self esteem for some reason. We tried to include the guy but just never connected and he had one annoying trait....he cried, and nobody cried in junior high. Guy went on to be city councilman, and later ran for state rep....not sure if he ever made it. Yes, he was a democrat.
He does have some issues, and it's quite sad for a grown man to act in that fashion. We had a kid in junior high that came from wealth, he was above aveage in every aspect, but severely lacked self esteem for some reason. We tried to include the guy but just never connected and he had one annoying trait....he cried, and nobody cried in junior high. Guy went on to be city councilman, and later ran for state rep....not sure if he ever made it. Yes, he was a democrat.
Did he drive a '68 L79 convertible...without rear frame bracees?
That's just sad when people fear voicing an opinion. The whole thing reminds me more of a divorce.

Once you get past the point of accepting things will change (and most times for the better), it's always better to cut it from your life and move on.
You're right. I would have said much more but I have to keep it nice so the panties don't get wadded and cause tears.
So it’s not just political speech!? I’m shocked!

J/k. I really don’t know who we are talking about but his ban has been described as vendor bashing by some or just a personal disagreement with another board member. Which is it?
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