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Yikes OCS

So this one got locked

And this is not political?

Dean doesn't follow a code. He hasn't been challenged in years, since the 3rd or 4th time of getting butt hurt and pulling the same disappearing act as Bweeny. Everyone just lets Dean be Dean now and accepts the double standard.
I mentioned Biden's name again yesterday didn't realize it till I got the your post has been edited, at least they left some of the post and just cut off part of it. It was in the EV thread just before Dean said he was going to have to shut down the thread it's getting too political. :eek:
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I was looking back at some old threads and found this one pretty funny. :rolleyes:
Check out the date.

I haven't been over there in months. Tried to log on...still banned. :eek::cool::ROFLMAO:
I like Deans post saying “folks are driving us crazy reporting the political posts over and over.”

Sounds like the pain in the ass is not posts themselves but the snowflake tattlers annoying the mods because they are intolerant of dissenting opinions. And these are supposed to be grownups? Buncha pussies.
I was looking back at some old threads and found this one pretty funny. :rolleyes:
Check out the date.

View attachment 6626
I haven't been over there in months. Tried to log on...still banned. :eek::cool::ROFLMAO:
Probably like me banned for life, especially after the note I sent them a while back about not answering any of my previous notes about being banned. I threw out a few F bombs.(y)
He`s a proud "Masshole". :p
Edit: The definition...
Native citizens of Massachusetts, these filthy piles of subhuman garbage can be found seasonally swarming New Hampshire each summer and fall, desperate to escape the pathetic lives they've left behind in their disgusting state. Ironically, most Massholes will actively sneer upon and condescend the native residents of New Hampshire, even while they frantically scramble across its borders.

Immediately identifiable by their proto-human speech, which instantly announces a profound lack of intelligence, or even basic civility, Massholes can take many forms, but share many common traits. For example:

That fucktard that is drifting into your lane, and traveling 55 in a 30, why don't you glance at their license plate? Sure enough, it's a Masshole.

That douche that's walking an easy hiking trail with his buddies 3 minutes from a major roadway, and openly wielding a crossbow and machete because to his dumb ass he might as well be embedded in the jungles of the Amazon--when you get back to the parking lot, take a look at their license plate. Can you guess where they're from?

That obnoxious asshat that's wearing a Red Sox jersey, talking so loud that you can hear every word of his retarded conversation, and taking up two pumps at the gas station because he's too self-absorbed and arrogant to take one second and pull forward a little--again, just glance at that license plate. Gasp! It's a Masshole; how surprising!
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