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Yikes OCS

Gotta love OCS people being butt hurt.
Sure a lot of guys over there buying sewer port heads that are way too big for their application and then balling their eyes out about the poor choice.
I've got a 454 blower motor here with brodix bb2x heads......speaking of sewer ports. I didn't build it, and know zilch about the needs of forced induction, so I'll ask......can they work in this application? They're 365 cc intake ports.
I've read for forced induction you'll need Iconel? or Incolnel? exh. valves per Straub, is your 454 still a 454 or been bored?, stroked?, after talking with Mike Lewis "Wolfplace" I bought Brodix race rite 294cc R port 115 cc chambers and CNC option heads for my 10.8:1 489, dyno started at IIRC 3800 rpm and 438.8 hp, 594.3 tq and seems plenty snappy around 2,000 rpm with a mild hyd roller 231/239 dur. 110 lsa installed at 107 icl cam, I do wonder what AFR 265 heads would've done, 365 int ports do seem big for a 454 even with forced ind. just from what I've read on the subject, maybe a twin turbo set up?
Honestly, I've only google searched a bit here and there on forced induction builds. It's just an engine that was in a '66 I sold, so I'm learning more about it as I dig deeper. It's way on the back burner. O-ringed block, LS7 crank, h-beam rods and spendy valvetrain. 871 blower with twin 950s. No idea the cam specs.
I've got a 454 blower motor here with brodix bb2x heads......speaking of sewer ports. I didn't build it, and know zilch about the needs of forced induction, so I'll ask......can they work in this application? They're 365 cc intake ports.
You can run them but a good oval port head will be much better on that 454. On the other hand you can epoxy the big ports to make them work, but then why ruin a good BB2 heads. I have some 990's sitting under the bench and they need the short side radius fixed to work right. Just a little epoxy in the right spots make ports work better.
No immediate plans to use this engine, and I do have a couple pairs of early 049,781s. Engine has been on CL for sometime. Thanx for the thoughts.
I was reading Chris Straubs post on 565 Big Blocks, 375 cc runner head on 1 of them, Id use a set of 049's and sell the BB2's
DZAuto, Tom gets it,...
In my book, a hi-perf Mustang, SS Chevelle, GTO, Corvette, 442, Road Runner, Super Bee, HEMI car, and other types of performance cars (or a daily driver 50yr old Ford pickup with a 3sp on the column) with an auto tranny are just as wrong as 2 boys having sex.
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