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Yikes OCS

I think it’s the liberal douchebags in charge over there that only listen cnn.
They most likely are the ones you see driving around with their mask on.

On a side note… this thread should be put in CE because they check in here.
That’s why Mike shut down the thread. Like he always does.
How can we watch the comic show.🤣
Yes it is my picture
Wondering why he is using my picture
If its really you dean the picture is for my own self gratifying amusement now i suggest you go back to the other page where you belong before you get banned. its past your bedtime
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Not that I'm aware of, pretty good people at the helm here. In all fairness, there's several folks here that were banned over there for no reason given. "being a troublemaker" is a catch all phrase for wielding the ban hammer and not in any way respectful for years of contributions on the OCS. Personally, I've answered 1000s of questions over there, steered plenty of folks in the correct direction and asked nothing in return.....and it all came to an end without a single pm explaining the action taken. That's piss pour and sums up the admin over there in a nutshell. Fuck OFF!!
Great response Jerry, and since this is a member owned site, the members and friends encountered here like to help everyone and also help to police the website keeping OUR site free of problems. We also encourage open dialog on all subjects and don't limit it to cars only giving everyone a voice and lots of ears to listen.
So great, and I welcome any reasoning for the steps taken to allienate all those fine folks...if you can make the case, go for it. You see, in a great society of free but fair speech, tensions can be deescalated as quickly as they escalate. If you chop the conversation off at it's knees the result is permanent division and has a way of festering. Much like the overall societal problems we're facing all around us.
It really doesn't matter, my posts still stand. I would seriously doubt Dean would respond in an airing of grievances that would aid in resolve, but would love to be proven wrong. I'm a firm believer in genuine conversation can result in anything but positive, no matter the level of emotion.
I've actually had many a back and forth with Dean over there, and have a good sense of what makes him tick....and it fits.
I've been at the ocs since 2015 and Dean is a mod that follows the administration rules, he doesn't set them. I've never encountered any mean spirit from him. I've never seen him go after someone with a vengeance. Maybe i missed something he's done to some of you, since there's a pretty high level of dislike for him here. From what I've seen he's just a Chevelle guy that's been over there from the start and he has always been helpful to me at least.
I'm flattered that you like the picture of me .
Why would I get banned?
Do folks get banned from here for no reason?
Folks get banned on your site for no reason and some of the members here are your personal 20 plus year Banishees so you deserve no part of being in this group whatsoever period.
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