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Yikes OCS

I'm not sure who banned me for being a troublemaker, that's a pretty broad term, could have been pussy Rich, or prick Mike, or???
I'm still curious who makes the rules over there.
Regardless of how some people feel I still think its a major conflict of interest having dean as a member here - I Just dont see any reason for it besides spying and since he got most of us booted from OCS why would he want to be around us anyway?
Regardless of how some people feel I still think its a major conflict of interest having dean as a member here - I Just dont see any reason for it besides spying and since he got most of us booted from OCS why would he want to be around us anyway?

Pretty simple... he wants to see what he views as competition is doing (it's not in my eyes), and wants to see who's bad mouthing OCS. Plain and simple. Problem is he doesn't see things in that light, but the best I can say is don't let him get under your skin.
Banning him makes you equal to him.

Letting him here is showing that he can't get to you and you're better.


Welcome him, chat with him, show him.
Looks like im going to get put through a meat grinder on OCS very shortly thanks to his underhanded spying. I must have struck a nerve and thats exactly what i wanted. i told you guys he turned into an ASS
Banning him makes you equal to him.

Letting him here is showing that he can't get to you and you're better.


Welcome him, chat with him, show him.
Not quite, hes trolling or making trouble and that changes the rules a little dont you think?
We do not allow people like Dean to destroy what we have here, and he disrespected a member here and obviously intended to show off when it was uncalled for, no other reason.

The guy will be dead soon enough so I won't give into his lying and hate.

We have a great site, and we'll keep it that way.

Act like an asshole, get treated like one.

Since you're reading this Dean, we ban for good reasons, not idiotic reasons like you and your dumbass puppets do.
I have no bones to pick with either side.

I just want to read, post my opinion, and move on to the next topic.

Fighting, arguing, proving im right, those days are over for me.
Its pretty simple, i had no way of reaching dean to tell him how i felt after being banned so i feel pretty good now and he asked for it and got it - Right in the ASS - New York Style
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