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Yikes OCS

Shouldn't you be called a sanitation engineer? Just a little more glamorous than janitor.

Nah, I'm just a regular guy and am no better than anyone else. Janitor fits.

Funny but true story. About 25 years ago I was hired by a technology company to do technical support (startup company) where I also configured and packed servers back up for shipping, and when the HR person came back asking who had business cards and who didn't, I volunteered I did not have any, but also indicated I didn't really want any, she insisted that everyone was required to have a business card, so she asked what my title was and without missing a beat, I said Styrofoam Engineer to which she walked away. I was thinking she was mad at me, but it was the opposite.

One week later I had new business cards and my title was "Styrofoam Engineer". The President found out and made her reprint my cards giving me another title along with a pay raise (completely unexpected) and my new title was Systems Engineer.
As I knew we'd have fallout from this issue with Dean, I noticed Anonymouse211 log in and then saw his IP was the same as RichL79, so I banned Anonymous211.

Obviously this thread has pissed off the mods over at OCS, so we'll keep a close eye on who's on the site.
It was deleted within minutes, Dean started it, then added a comment of his own and poof...gone. Not sure if he deleted it or another mod but I don't think Dean has posted since. There are so many commonalities with his posts and Billdini's
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