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Yikes OCS

I liked the last post...


And like Cam doesn't know. It reads that he's in North Kor'anada . I thought it was just everyday life for them.
I think they have a search function set up to detect oldchevelles.com . Funny how other sites mentioned at OCS were never a threat but our small site is.
I belong to a couple other forms owned by Vertical & they allow CE content . I think it's just the mods over there being dicks.
It's basically a few weiners went running to the mods to tattle on the mean CE members every time something hurt their feelings, and the mods got sick of having to deal with it, so closing the whole thing was their solution rather than telling the babies to grow up.
It's basically a few weiners went running to the mods to tattle on the mean CE members every time something hurt their feelings, and the mods got sick of having to deal with it, so closing the whole thing was their solution rather than telling the babies to grow up.
That`s because they are as big of babies as the complainers. I know for a fact bildildo complained about a comment I said to him.
The next day Dean sent me a warning. :rolleyes:
Not sure they are looking at PM's, but like mentioned, I think they created a macro to search for and replace anything that says oldchevelles.com and places it with chevelles.com,

This was done in direct response to people mentioning this site, so they didn't want to lose any members.
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