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Yikes OCS

Yep, your Grandpa was a smart man. Lisa hated going to the stealership when we bought a new car. Only once I didn't get the deal I wanted (I walked away).
I walked once too, salesman was shocked. Wanted to give me $1000 on a trade, sold it 2 days later for $3000, came back in and bought the car. I think it was the Vibe.
Yep, your Grandpa was a smart man. Lisa hated going to the stealership when we bought a new car. Only once I didn't get the deal I wanted (I walked away).
Grandpa told me to walk out of the dealership no matter what the first negotiation. Just make sure they have your phone number.
I tried that once and it worked. I had the deal I wanted but they wanted to tack on another $100 for administrative work. I didn't agree to that & walked out the door.
I made it as far as getting into my car. Didn't even get it started. Salesman came running out the door with the paperework. Fastest $100 I ever made.
I walked once too, salesman was shocked. Wanted to give me $1000 on a trade, sold it 2 days later for $3000, came back in and bought the car. I think it was the Vibe.

The salesman called me back the following week trying to negotiate a better deal for them, I still refused. He called back 2 days later and agreed to all my terms, and we bought it (was a 2006 Nissan Titan LE). Nissan called me (not the stealership itself) as I had bought one of the first 2004 Nissan Titans (was an SE) and had it for only 2 years, and they wanted it back to go through it and offered me 150% NADA. I told them nope, as I wanted even swap trade for what I owed on the 2004 SE for the 2006 LE.
Have no idea where to find your's Tim. I had saved a screenshot when I posted it there because I figured they would delete it (and they did).
I found it but, when I click the link it tells me this.

Well, I thought about who to send it to, sooooo
When I look in your profile I get the same message.

If he's banned (and he is), his profile will be restricted, but any of the content he created should still be visible (as long as they didn't delete that). I'm pretty sure they've wiped out any trace I ever existed on the site.
Yeah i looked up his last post too. The mod nazis must have zapped the thread that contained his fateful post....
Any member who posts regularly on this site is most likely automatically banned from entering OCS thats why most of you cant sign in over there. They have rogue agents watching us.
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