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Gas will Be $4 where I live by Memorial Day

Anyone in this country think Obango's not still running the stuff from behind the scene is a fool. This is that assholes 3rd term and Biden is Obango's puppet Joe is just window dressing for the dummycraps. Joe is a total idiot, everyone knows it and Joe could not get elected dog catcher if the voting was on the up and up.
So what's your thoughts on the gas price? I ask because now we (U.S.) get the majority of our NG and oil from Canada 1st, then Russia. When we were NG/Oil independent, price was low. If Canada is producing enough for them and us, why are your prices so high?
So what's your thoughts on the gas price? I ask because now we (U.S.) get the majority of our NG and oil from Canada 1st, then Russia. When we were NG/Oil independent, price was low. If Canada is producing enough for them and us, why are your prices so high?
The price of fuel here all comes down to taxes. I'm sure the oil companies are making a nice profit but it is the government that is really profiting. Just their carbon tax on fuel is about 15c a liter if I'm not mistaken. So that works out to almost 57c per US gallon just for the one tax. We have lots of fuel but are paying way more than what you are for Canadian fuel. You guys can buy Canadian alcohol cheaper than we do. We pay one of the highest prices in the world for cellphone coverage.

Weird. Joes doesn’t hate oil at all. In fact he loves it! Loves it so much that he’s willing to buy it at inflated prices from his enemy and current global villain, Putin. Loves it so much he’s willing to cross his political allies and Democrat party leaders. That’s a guy who really loves his oil!

He’s just not willing to help American consumers who suffer at the gas pump or put Americans on the job to drill for it.

That is some backwards, harebrained shit.
May have to see what's all involved it switching the race car over to E-85 now so I can run my big compression engines.
The price of fuel here all comes down to taxes. I'm sure the oil companies are making a nice profit but it is the government that is really profiting. Just their carbon tax on fuel is about 15c a liter if I'm not mistaken. So that works out to almost 57c per US gallon just for the one tax. We have lots of fuel but are paying way more than what you are for Canadian fuel. You guys can buy Canadian alcohol cheaper than we do. We pay one of the highest prices in the world for cellphone coverage.
Well that sucks ! Not watching Canadian news, but I would think the people would be demanding answers (on more than just this but) on why the U.S. is paying half of what the Canadians are when ya'll are the ones making it.

Oh I know why ! Its our current American math ! Its costing you more because you're economy is doing so well and booming so you can afford to pay more ! If that's the case, were rich and then I guess you all up there must all be super rich. (Sarcasm intended).

Inflation is a fallacy. Nothing to see here. :sleep:
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She ordered a flag made in USA 👍🙂 its up but no wind, I'll take a pic when its flying for my Biden lovin neighbor lol, its on a light pole he drives by in our alley every day 😁 this flag is a bit heavy being dbl sided and triple thick hope it'll fly good


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