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Gas will Be $4 where I live by Memorial Day

Paid to fill up the Truck with Regular Gas the other day at $ 1.79 a Litre = $ 8.00 Gallon

So when I get the Old Girl out in the Spring it will cost me about $ 2.50 a Litre/Minimum = $ 11.25 Gallon X 20 Gallons = $ 225.00
good thing the Wife is still working :)
Today it $3.79 I predict next month we will be $4.00 a gal. here. Looks like racing will get put on hold this year as I don't really need to race. Lots of car shows to get the street cars polished up for instead. I have a T-56 with 3.55 gears in my F-bird and right now the Vortec engine gets super good fuel mileage. About the only thing I wanted to do was put the Dual Quad setup on the car but I am not sure how good the Eddy carbs are on fuel. Last time I used one it was crap on fuel mileage and had drivability problems. Not sure I want to go through that again, I wonder how the new AVS 2 is as I have one and that's the one I was going to use as the main drive carb.
Today it $3.79 I predict next month we will be $4.00 a gal. here. Looks like racing will get put on hold this year as I don't really need to race. Lots of car shows to get the street cars polished up for instead. I have a T-56 with 3.55 gears in my F-bird and right now the Vortec engine gets super good fuel mileage. About the only thing I wanted to do was put the Dual Quad setup on the car but I am not sure how good the Eddy carbs are on fuel. Last time I used one it was crap on fuel mileage and had drivability problems. Not sure I want to go through that again, I wonder how the new AVS 2 is as I have one and that's the one I was going to use as the main drive carb.
That sounds like a lot of fun running 2x4 bbl but Id leave the single 4 on, only time I tried 2 carbs was on a motorcycle, twin 28 mm Makuni carbs, it Really woke it up 🙂👍 but at the Crazy Biden prices Id wait
10 years ago when gas went crazy these guys at work were buying these little POS China scooters so they wouldn't have to pay so much for gas.
Well the scooters were about 7-800$ a lot of them only drove less than 10 miles 1 way to work, me it was 10 miles round trip, so 14 days a month 140 miles/ 14 mpg / 10 gal. per month.
Could have bought about a year & 1/2 worth for the scooter. Most never used them again after gas dropped, or they died.
Would have been different if you already had a motorcycle/scooter.
I'm sure a lot of you drive more than 10- 20 miles per day too.
I did notice not quite so many vehicles idling in the grocery store lots.
I always wanted to ask someone about gas prices & then saying why is your car running.
Today driving from 1 job to another what usually would have taken 15-20 min took 45 min, nice weather and beach goers = heavy traffic and a lot of traffic bumper to bumper slow moving crap, probably used twice the fuel to get from point A to B and normally wouldn't bother me but the thought of Fucktard not making the right move pisses me off
That sounds like a lot of fun running 2x4 bbl but Id leave the single 4 on, only time I tried 2 carbs was on a motorcycle, twin 28 mm Makuni carbs, it Really woke it up 🙂👍 but at the Crazy Biden prices Id wait

You are right on that one I think. The 650 FST DP runs really good on the car and I can drive all over on a tank of gas. Heck I haven't even jetted the thing down yet so I know there's room for improvement. Years ago we all used to run the 6210 Q-jet replacement Holley on most of our stuff. Went better and got way better fuel mileage than a Q-jet. Had the 800 version of that on my old 454, great cruising around but when you floored it hang on baby, it flew.
I filled up my truck on the way out to my brother's farm yesterday.

It was $3.99 for 87, and diesel was $4.05 in the morning at 7am.

On the way home at 5pm, it was $4.09 for 87, and diesel was $4.15.

My son called while Lisa and I were driving home to tell us that he was on his way to Ocala, and it was $4.25 for 87.
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