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Gas will Be $4 where I live by Memorial Day

FUCKTARD & Crew are pushing hard for GREEN energy, they WANT high gas prices and thinking people will just run out ant buy EV's, I just looked out my window to the backyard and don't see any $$$ trees out there and if there was or I had more $ than I knew what to do with I still wouldn't get rid of my ICE machines, These White House Occupiers are in LaLa Land, Sleepy Joe's going to go Kiss Ass with Terrorists to use our $$$ to buy their oil...Way to go FUCKTARD! :mad:
Uh, cars are not being produced, chip shortage.

I bet Ford, GM and Chrysler wish they had not gotten rid of their small sedans, they gave that business to the imports.
Brandon to announce ban on US imports of Russian oil:

Set to make remarks from the White House on Tuesday morning

Article doesn't read whether he has secured another oil source.

Oil just jumped $8 a barrel to $128

DOW lost 800 points yesterday and another 214 this morning.

we'll se how the market reacts today.
Brandon to announce ban on US imports of Russian oil:

Set to make remarks from the White House on Tuesday morning

Article doesn't read whether he has secured another oil source.

Oil just jumped $8 a barrel to $128

DOW lost 800 points yesterday and another 214 this morning.

we'll se how the market reacts today.
Right now going up.
FUCKTARD & Crew are pushing hard for GREEN energy, they WANT high gas prices and thinking people will just run out ant buy EV's, I just looked out my window to the backyard and don't see any $$$ trees out there and if there was or I had more $ than I knew what to do with I still wouldn't get rid of my ICE machines, These White House Occupiers are in LaLa Land, Sleepy Joe's going to go Kiss Ass with Terrorists to use our $$$ to buy their oil...Way to go FUCKTARD! :mad:
I just saw some good news. Europe has realized that the Green New Deal is BS and is shifting away from wind and solar.
They also see us as trying to start a war with Russia and now they are closer friends to Russia.
Everything the democrats are trying is back-firing on them ! So maybe this war will cause some good ? Hopefully the ceasefire today will result in a settlement.
I just paid $4.79 for 93 Non eth😡 I was stuck in traffic a little while ago but it went up $1 across all grades since last week and they dont know whats going to happen next, I didnt know they have 98 Sunoco Blue and 112 at some other pumps there but now I know but at $10.50 per gal I dont need it


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Talk about your inconvenient truths….

Seems like unless you have a charging set up at home, EV might not be the answer to sky rocketing gas prices.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not anti EV. If I were in the market for a new car I’d consider one. I’d also love a solar setup at home but right now it doesn’t make economic sense for my needs.

I have a long commute and that’s not what EV are designed for. What makes the most sense to me if gas prices are super high is for auto manufacturers to embrace ultra high MPG, very small cars. Weren’t Geo Metros pushing mid 40s Mpg 15 years ago?
EVs are only good for short commuters that own a newer house with a driveway. Many older homes will not have the capacity in their electrical panels for chargers.
The attitudes of the elitist who think everyone should just go out and buy an electric car reminds me of Marie Antoinette “Let them eat cake.”
I forget how that worked out for her….
This stupid bitch….

Pretty sure she’s the idiot who many months ago dismissed rising fuel prices as “the Middle East doesn’t want to sell us more oil. Nothing we can do about that.”
You can allow Americans to drill you idiotic cunt!

Whole time on the job she’s deflected blame over her and her boss’s mismanagement; blaming the Middle East, blaming the oil companies for not wanting to produce oil. Now that policy of standing in the way of oil production and pretending we have no options is about to hit them in the nuts and suddenly she’s asking oil companies to increase production.
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