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I saw Skynyrd live in April 1974 at Tennessee Tech.

Lucky you! You saw them at their best (until Oct. '77) !!! I'm a huge fan! I've seen that video dozens of times on YouTube! Back when I was stationed at Fort Lee, Virginia in 1971, a few of us went to William & Mary College to a Ten Years After/Yes Concert on campus. Standing in a long line, we were doubtful of even getting tickets as they were all but sold out, when two couples saw us (obviously in the service with our short hair) and they asked if we'd like to have their tickets? Well, hell yes!!!! Our seats were in the THIRD ROW from the stage! Will NEVER forget that night!!! The smell of "grass" permeated the concert hall, and the guards just watched as long as the crowd behaved themselves! Ha!
What great memories, I caught a lot of great bands as the '70s bands were trying to stay relevant while metal and progressive rock was hitting the scene. Missed the apex by a half a dozen years or so. Still saw some fantastic venues, the most memorable at small settings.
Lucky you! You saw them at their best (until Oct. '77) !!! I'm a huge fan! I've seen that video dozens of times on YouTube! Back when I was stationed at Fort Lee, Virginia in 1971, a few of us went to William & Mary College to a Ten Years After/Yes Concert on campus. Standing in a long line, we were doubtful of even getting tickets as they were all but sold out, when two couples saw us (obviously in the service with our short hair) and they asked if we'd like to have their tickets? Well, hell yes!!!! Our seats were in the THIRD ROW from the stage! Will NEVER forget that night!!! The smell of "grass" permeated the concert hall, and the guards just watched as long as the crowd behaved themselves! Ha!
My favorite skynyrd line : "Oak tree you're in my way" :ROFLMAO:
Ronnie Van Zant wrote that song (That Smell) in anger after both guitarists Gary Rossington and Allen Collins were drinking and taking ludes and had bad car accidents on the same weekend !
Rossington could have died.
The band was behaving better when pilot error (didn't have enough gas to make it to Baton Rouge from Jacksonville) killed both songwriters - Van Zant and Steve Gaines.

I seen Skynyrd when they got back together in Tenn when Charlie Daniels had a big concert, big amphitheater in the Tenn state park IIRC in the 80’s, we went camping up there and Tripped our brains out 🤣 Great White and a few other bands were there
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