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Enjoy the humor.

I've had several I had to put down, my worst one was a Chow/Bernese Mountain dog cross, only 10 years. Great dog Suzie was, never a wild animal came into the yard without getting ran off, neighbor dogs sometimes left crying.
Worst for my wife was a 13 YO Chihuahua that was by her side through good & bad.
I don't fold laundry. Before Lisa it stayed in the basket till I needed it. Now it shows up in my dresser draw and shirts hung in the closet. It's like magic now.
Since Kathy got sick laundry is on my “To Do” list which I don’t mind because dads Appl business we had to test washers/dryers BUT folding clothes is Not my thing but I do it,,,,,,ALL Wrong if you ask Kathy 😂🤣
I don't fold laundry. Before Lisa it stayed in the basket till I needed it. Now it shows up in my dresser draw and shirts hung in the closet. It's like magic now.
I might fold a few towels, can't screw them up too bad. Well some have to get folded into 1/2's & some into 1/3's so maybe I could.
I might fold a few towels, can't screw them up too bad. Well some have to get folded into 1/2's & some into 1/3's so maybe I could.
OH YES YOU CAN SCREW TOWELS UP !! Ask me I’ve been told that Everytime I fold clothes 🤣🤣 Kathy worked in the clothing dept at K mart when she was 18, she’s shown me how to properly fold clothes till Finally she gave up and just yells at me 👍👍😂🤣
I might fold a few towels, can't screw them up too bad. Well some have to get folded into 1/2's & some into 1/3's so maybe I could.
OH YES YOU CAN SCREW TOWELS UP !! Ask me I’ve been told that Everytime I fold clothes 🤣🤣 Kathy worked in the clothing dept at K mart when she was 18, she’s shown me how to properly fold clothes till Finally she gave up and just yells at me 👍👍😂🤣

Again, I don't fold laundry, hence I get no bitchin'. Gonna wear it again, so who cares. Same thing with making the bed. I'm gonna sleep in it again, so why make it. Lisa makes the bed, and she'll even turn it down for me when I go to bed.

I have too much other shit to deal with so that's not even on my radar.
Again, I don't fold laundry, hence I get no bitchin'. Gonna wear it again, so who cares. Same thing with making the bed. I'm gonna sleep in it again, so why make it. Lisa makes the bed, and she'll even turn it down for me when I go to bed.

I have too much other shit to deal with so that's not even on my radar.
When I was single that’s how I did it, took dirty laundry to the Wash & Fold laundry when I lived in places WO laundry equip, if I had a washer & dryer I washed but left things in the baskets, same with beds, gonna mess it up again so why waste time 👍👍😁
YOU MEN will like this one....
My wife told me to go to the doctor and get some
of those tablets that 'help' get an erection.
You should have seen her face when I came back
and tossed her some diet pills!
I'm still looking for a place to live.
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