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Enjoy the humor.

Wonder if he just smokes like that when he's doing a show or all the time? I smoked a lot when I was driving truck on a bad day up to 3 packs, but usually 2 packs.

Might be a stress thing. I tend to smoke more when I'm stressed or in a lot of pain (been in a lot of pain lately if that's any indication).
I saw Andrew Dice Clay about 15-20 years ago. He put on quite a show. Chain smoked the whole show.
Saw him in 1992 at the Oakdale theater here in Wallingford. When it was a small round stage that rotated. Smoking like crazy.
Funniest show I`ve ever seen. Even funnier than Rodney Carrington.
If'n that happens around where I live I can guarantee it wouldn't be well received. Very very conservative where I live. I live in the deep south (about as far south as you can get in the deep south where there still are morals). I'm betting that was down south like Miami area.
Most I’ve ever seen around here is girls flipping shirts up showing Tits lol

The only time that happened to me was when some weird chick was following me around Lowes asking me if she looked okay and I said she looked fine and went about my business of buying supplies only to have her show up in the next isle flashing me her tits.

Later on I came to find out a number of woman have been going to home improvement stores trying to pick up guys because apparently those guys are the ones girls want. Who knew?
The only time that happened to me was when some weird chick was following me around Lowes asking me if she looked okay and I said she looked fine and went about my business of buying supplies only to have her show up in the next isle flashing me her tits.

Later on I came to find out a number of woman have been going to home improvement stores trying to pick up guys because apparently those guys are the ones girls want. Who knew?
Kathy has told me Smart girls go to home improvement stores to find guys, when we first started dating one of her very first questions was what model Harley I rode, she wouldn’t date guys with Sportsters or under then if I owned a drill lol, I told her I had a stroked 102.5” Shovelhead and half dozen drills….I was Hired 🫤🤔😆🤣🤣 Oh I met her at an April 1st party in a hot tub with about 5-6 other people All Naked 😆
I only have a 1 Deer 🤣
Reminds me of when my ex BIL in Mi. sent me some deer meat from his first deer of the year in 1997, he put it in a 7-11 styrofoam cooler with regular ice Not Dry Ice 😳 I came home from work one day to find a Bloody mess package with numerous post office labels saying Received In This or Bad Condition, I called and told him Hey Dumbass you’re supposed to use Dry Ice lol
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