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Some guys are fearless, but some guys got balls of steel. When it comes to handling venomous snakes, I have cotton balls. :ROFLMAO:
I had a 6'+ Burmese Python in 1980 but it was a pussy cat, had to get rid of it, my wife was afraid of it, it'd climb out of its 75 gal. tank pushing the lid off, get under the couch and tickle her foot with its tongue every once in awhile freaking her out and she said she was worried it'd eat our 2 yr old, so I sold her to a friend :(
I had a 6'+ Burmese Python in 1980 but it was a pussy cat, had to get rid of it, my wife was afraid of it, it'd climb out of its 75 gal. tank pushing the lid off, get under the couch and tickle her foot with its tongue every once in awhile freaking her out and she said she was worried it'd eat our 2 yr old, so I sold her to a friend :(
You can get one for free in The Everglades.
Funny True story about a snake, 12-13 yrs ago I was late to meet an apt bldg owner to est some work, I ran out my front door and spooked a 4’ black snake that was sunning in the front yard and instead of going back under our house where it lived it headed for our vehicles and of 3 it chose my work van to get under, I tried to find it but couldnt so went to the apt bldg to meet the owner and told him & the manager about the snake, I could see they didnt believe me but about 30 min later the manager came and found us and said a big black snake just crawled out of the back wheel well of my van and took off across the apt property 😆 We really missed not having that snake but now have another, guess theres more than 1 under here but they eat mice & rats so we’re fine 👍👍😁
Here's a snake story for y'all: While surveying on Route US 41 near the Everglades back in the late 70's staking out the new right-of-way for road improvements, first I almost got nailed by a driver who passed by me at way over the speed limit as I "almost stepped onto the road surface with my survey rod"! Thank God, the Party Chief was standing right next to me and he grabbed my arm and saved my life!!! I ALWAYS respect road workers when driving!!!!! Damn! That was close! I was young and didn't have much surveying experience. Close call! Second, we had to place right-of-way boards along the road route prior to construction which meant we had to trek deep into the palmettos and water in some places up to our waists. I was carrying my right-of-way boards and sledge hammer when this snake comes close to me!!! Yikes!!! Again the Party Chief whispered to me to "stand still and don't breathe"!! The water moccasin silently swam past me within a couple feet of me!!!! Good ole Charlie Pratt (from Bradenton) saved me TWICE that day!! May he RIP! 🙏
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