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  • We've changed the header logo to display our Member's Cars.

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Enjoy the humor.


IDK about humor, but it's laughable. Not going to open up this hit piece, but the headline takes me back to 6th grade note passing.
Kick the "People in support" OUT, and do not let them back in.
How many days for the glue to loosen on it's own?
Since these 'Tards have made themselves a part of the display VW should erect an appropriate sighn.
Something like "Extreme socialist morons glued themselves to our floor, please do not feed or approach, for your own safety".
Bill them for damage to the floor too.
Also make them pay for the clean-up, better, make them DO the clean-up, bare handed. :eek::poop:

After they've clean the shit from their pants of course. Personally, I'd have a cleaning crew go in and clean and wax the floors. That smell should be enough to make them sick.
I’m sorry. I misunderstood. I thought they were employees of the manufacturer.

Still very entitled. Protesting the company and expecting the company to provide support to them in their protest.
Use it for a commercial.
"So exciting you have to glue yourself to stay grounded" or something like that.
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