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Enjoy the humor.

Mad Dog 20/20. True story here.

Senior year of high school, 1984, on a bet from friends, I asked one of the hottest babes out for a double date. Figuring she'd say No, she said Yes.
Before my buddy and I picked up our dates, we each drank a bottle of MD20/20. We went to the high school football game.
At half time I grabbed Carla's hand & said lets go. She said where are we going? I said back to the car to make out. Off we went.

I guess I passed out shortly after we were making out. My buddy says he conceived his first child that night, and I never got a date with Carla again.
True Story.
England/Scotland has their own version, Buckfast Tonic Wine, known to soccer hooligans everywhere as "Commotion Lotion"
A more vile product I cannot imagine.
I remember when I was 18 my buddy got hammered on MD. I dropped him off at home and he went in his room and started undressing to go to bed. The light came on and his dad says what in the hell are you doing? He was in his parents room.

He finally got to his room, laid down and didn't feel good. He made a split second decision to puke out the window. The white aluminum siding was stained purple for a long time. 😁
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