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Bummed that it has been ten years and my 68 is not finished.

Shortened the studs for the windage tray so I think the pan will be fine now.
Valve cover is still a challenge.
Hate to order and return what "Should" fit but may not.
Shortened the studs for the windage tray so I think the pan will be fine now.
Valve cover is still a challenge.
Hate to order and return what "Should" fit but may not.
I'm sure you already know this but Summit is really great about returning things for about any reason you can think of, I'd give them a call, tell them the issue and let them see what would work and that doesn't mean you have to buy it but it'll give you an idea of what to look for, just my opinion and what I'd do in your shoes :)
Oil pan is now good.
Setting up the valves now.
Had an idea, if I must I can use a set of cheap tin covers and modify them.
Not sure how well cast aluminum welds, poorly I expect.
I did find some two-piece available in black that MAY work.
The polished version is no longer available, unless I do it myself.
Futzed around for a couple hours trying to engineer a trick 58-2 timing wheel mount.
I can do it, but what a PITA.
So, back to KISS and just get it done.
Since no one sells the size I want I will have it custom made.
Good CAD practice to draw it up.
Futzed around for a couple hours trying to engineer a trick 58-2 timing wheel mount.
I can do it, but what a PITA.
So, back to KISS and just get it done.
Since no one sells the size I want I will have it custom made.
Good CAD practice to draw it up.
If the tin covers aren’t too valuable I’d mod them to clear and not leak then you can at least run the engine till you find something that looks good
A fella on OCS was having about the same issue needing more room towards intake side because VC was hitting Jesell rocker at PR side so these Tall VC’s cured the issue


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