Got it bent correct now but look at the bad job I did cutting the center vent out, I cant leave that like that so Im test mounting the VA controller but going to remove it to try to straighten out this crappy cut
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We respect free speech and constructive dialogue however we don't allow threatening talk against members, nudity, or pornography. Threads are monitored and trolls are not tolerated.
This site is completely free and there are no costs. Please enjoy and provide feedback.In the last post I made I think I contradicted myself lol Im still going to mess with the screw clip locations...why leave well enough alone the story of my life
And Im thinking of another project, I wont have time to go to work lolTrue mark of an OCD person....
And Im thinking of another project, I wont have time to go to work lol
I checked on my can-O-paint delivery and it says they shipped it Sunday the 25th...I ordered it the 21st, WTF is up with these people?
All the louvers that the ducts attach to are were assembled by either a 4 yr old or someone that badly needed glasses, Im going to reglue these so they dont fall apart later