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Chopped, Sectioned & Dropped Gangster '50 Merc Lead Sled Custom Cruiser

Totally impractical but my dream car.

Funny you say that, but as we get older, impractical no longer applies.

I remember my eldest daughter asking us (Mom and I) a question when she was about 12 (she's 36 now), why do all the old guys have all the cool cars?

She asked the question because our old neighbor was in his mid 60's and had about 10 classic cars.

Simple answer? Because we "old guys" can afford them now, and no longer have to adhere to practicality.
I had a guy want to trade my car for a 53 chevy bel air chopped and a 68 Camaro SS with a 350, both needed to be totally restored.
The 53 was sweet but, too much work. I had a 454 with a blower but, no interior and the body was nowhere near finished and the camaro needed everything redone.
I posted the Camaro on TC. The guy wanted 12K for and I offered 8K. Man did I piss off a few with my offer.:rolleyes:
I had a guy want to trade my car for a 53 chevy bel air chopped and a 68 Camaro SS with a 350, both needed to be totally restored.
The 53 was sweet but, too much work. I had a 454 with a blower but, no interior and the body was nowhere near finished and the camaro needed everything redone.
I posted the Camaro on TC. The guy wanted 12K for and I offered 8K. Man did I piss off a few with my offer.:rolleyes:

Yeah, I wouldn't worry about them too much. Some people just get their panties in a wad.
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