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Dinner time!

Never go into Sam's Club on a Sunday afternoon to buy a big chuck roast.
The entire meat department was empty.
Everyone goes there after church. :(
Never go into Sam's Club on a Sunday afternoon to buy a big chuck roast.
The entire meat department was empty.
Everyone goes there after church. :(

Wednesday's and Thursday's are the best days to shop at Sam's as they are gearing up for the weekend.
Oh man, that's looks perfect.
Is that a Lodge Dutch oven?
Wife just got one for Christmas from my daughter.
When I make pot roast, I have 4 seperate pots
1) super tender roast beef
2) mashed potatoes
3) carrots
4) carmelized vidalia or sweet onions

I put the mashed potatoes on first and cover them with the Roast beef, carrots and onions.
Gravy is mixed in with the roast
I have about 10 flank and a few flap steaks in the freezer.
What is your "new quick recipe instead of marinating"?
That looks fantastic.
Let the meat rest for an hour.

Preheat a cast iron pan to medium, preferred, but you can use any pan.

Knife cut the meat parallel with the grain and down at an angle across the grain, both sides at same angle.

Rub with salt, pepper, dry mustard, and soft butter.

Seer 2 minutes each side, then cover and remove from heat for 10 minutes to finish cooking.

Remove from pan.

Poor a bit of water in the pan to deglaze and drain the meat drippings back in, add a bit of butter once the glaze boils down, stirring to clean pan.

Cut meat across the grain and poor blaze over.

Let the meat rest for an hour.

Preheat a cast iron pan to medium, preferred, but you can use any pan.

Knife cut the meat parallel with the grain and down at an angle across the grain, both sides at same angle.

Rub with salt, pepper, dry mustard, and soft butter.

Seer 2 minutes each side, then cover and remove from heat for 10 minutes to finish cooking.

Remove from pan.

Poor a bit of water in the pan to deglaze and drain the meat drippings back in, add a bit of butter once the glaze boils down, stirring to clean pan.

Cut meat across the grain and poor blaze over.

I just took 2 out of the freezer.👍
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