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What’d you work on today?

Been raining here for 2 days pretty much non stop, everything I want to do requires being outside heck my Furry Kids don't even want to go out to do their business :(
It's been several years since I did it, but staying close to the facilities was critical!! I had to cancel my appointment because I wasn't clear an hour before the deed. 15 minutes later, I was clear and LUCKILY they put me back on, or else I would have to do that all over again........what a relief!!! Pun intended.
When I had mine the Prep was the worst part, in the OR a male nurse (4 nurses) asked if I was comfortable and if he should +/- the temp, I said I'm getting ready to take a Nap, you guys are working so adjust it where you want the only thing I ask is use the Cam down my throat (Endoscopy too) before using it up my rearend Not other way round, He got excited and explained Oh No we use 2 cams, Dr was smiling and I told the nurse I was just kidding lol, I had a little bleeding afterwards but they removed 5 polyps so understandable
Ain't never had it and never will. Exit ramp only. If Lisa didn't have history of colon cancer in her family I don't think she'd be doing it. Last time (3 years ago) it was far from pleasant. She agrees with me that it's an exit ramp only and she felt violated. My initial reaction was anger because Lisa felt that way, but she stopped me from going in to yell at the doctor. Lisa said if she's clear this time she'll go on the 10 year plan (maybe if ever again). This certainly isn't on her list of fun things to do.
Ain't never had it and never will. Exit ramp only. If Lisa didn't have history of colon cancer in her family I don't think she'd be doing it. Last time (3 years ago) it was far from pleasant. She agrees with me that it's an exit ramp only and she felt violated. My initial reaction was anger because Lisa felt that way, but she stopped me from going in to yell at the doctor. Lisa said if she's clear this time she'll go on the 10 year plan (maybe if ever again). This certainly isn't on her list of fun things to do.
They put me on a 3 yr plan because of the 5 polyps and for a cpl days the dr thought 2 were cancerous, that had me worried but then after the biopsy came back it was all good, I felt Horrible for a cpl years but after they did the colonoscopy & got rid of the Hep C I don't have that Crummy feeling So I consider myself Fixed (y) (y) ;) Oh I think that 3 yr plan is really a $$$ Grab too
They put me on a 3 yr plan because of the 5 polyps and for a cpl days the dr thought 2 were cancerous, that had me worried but then after the biopsy came back it was all good, I felt Horrible for a cpl years but after they did the colonoscopy & got rid of the Hep C I don't have that Crummy feeling So I consider myself Fixed (y) (y) ;) Oh I think that 3 yr plan is really a $$$ Grab too

The drano is workin' its magic and Lisa is not happy. She reiterated if there isn't any polyps this time that's it for at least 10 years.
Speaking of Medical $$$ grab, my wife had a brain MRI and Lung CT scan at SimonMed (our BCBS pays that) but Moffit wanted their own scans thinking something was wrong with her so of course we agree, I sent a message to or ins and they agreed with a Co pay from us, Moffit charged our ins $26K for 1 Brain MRI and 2 lung CT scans then said everything looked fine, it's better safe than sorry but I think that was Definitely a $$$ Grab
When she was first diagnosed with superior vena cava syndrome/lung cancer at Baycare they wanted to keep her there for treatment, when I found out she had cancer (Covid lock down time) I called Moffitt to get things started for her to be a patient there, Dr Shaker at Bayccare was Pissed and they wouldn’t electronic send her records over to Moffitt, I happened to be doing a big job for a lady in the main office, I can’t think of job title now but she said Anything I can do to help let me know, as a matter of fact there is and she made it happen the same day speaking to her 👍👍 I went the Extra mile on her job after that and she was even a Biden supporter with lawn signs, All a Big $$$$$$ Grab in Medical now, She was in St Anthony/Baycare Administration
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I left out Baycare Chemo trans chairs are like 3rd World country compared to Moffitt from what Kathy said
I saw a guy selling body colored Mustang engine covers for $390, and like the cover but not the price, so I got base and clear in spray cans from Automotive Touchup for $45 and did my own. I really like it.

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I really like the color match (y) (y) I think it really looks better on late model perf cars to have contrasting body color under the hood on the engine
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