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What’d you work on today?

About to go try to put my second two-post lift column in place.
Working by myself as always and hoping this is the LAST time I have to do anything so sketchy.
Took all day yesterday to figure out a decent way to pick it up with my small forklift.
2 days before getting here it was 80, it seen me coming and the weather decided to Fuck with me 😂


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About to go try to put my second two-post lift column in place.
Working by myself as always and hoping this is the LAST time I have to do anything so sketchy.
Took all day yesterday to figure out a decent way to pick it up with my small forklift.
Be extra careful when doing stuff like that by yourself and I’m 100% sure you already know that 👍👍🙂
Should finish this mini/maxi lol job early tomorrow but trying to decide if I do finish early leave before Gkids get home from school??? Or wait till they get home say good bye, goodbye before school prob makes better sense, sucks coming here just to work but did get some quality time with them, going to try to get both Kathy and myself back up before spring 👍👍🙂
Doing some wet sanding.
Put windshield molding clips back on the Malibu.

Tried to strip the clear coat paint from my trim with brake cleaner. Didn’t touch it. Maybe the environmental friendly stuff we get here in California doesn’t hurt paint much. Oh well. Home Depot paint stripper took it off.
Tried to strip the anodizing with discount oven cleaner. Didn’t touch it. Easy-Off “commercial” took it off though. I’m half regretting having stripped it though. It cleaned up pretty well before I took the Easy Off to it. But it needed to be done because of some scrapes and gouges that need work.

Hadn't thought about the chemical differences in brake clean in California, but you're probably right. In Florida the brake clean was strong enough to melt my epoxy paint on the floors in my garage at the last house. Was doing a brake job in my truck, sprayed the back plate all while dripping on the floor, and when I went to clean it up with paper towels, the epoxy started wiping off the floor.
Should finish this mini/maxi lol job early tomorrow but trying to decide if I do finish early leave before Gkids get home from school??? Or wait till they get home say good bye, goodbye before school prob makes better sense, sucks coming here just to work but did get some quality time with them, going to try to get both Kathy and myself back up before spring 👍👍🙂

Tough call, but since you don't get to see them too often I'd wait until they get home from school. When we visit our daughter and grandson in NC we spend as much time with him as possible, but we usually only see them once a year because of busy schedules.
Anything below 75° is too cold. Humidity is good for your skin. I like it with about 60% to 65% humidity.
I love working outside in the colder weather especially when the sun comes up and just breaks the chill.

Camping in the cold is also awesome, campfire in the morning with a hot cup of coffee and bacon cooking over the fire, man I miss some things about being a Scout Master. I really hated hot summer camping, bugs and sweating at night not to mention dealing with chafing.
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