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SNL ending?


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As a long time fan of this show, even through the unfunny years, I haven’t watched in 7-10 years. Good riddance. They wore their bias and hatred of the right on their sleeves. I was not willing to sit through their bile filled “comedy” which was only mean spirited attacked on those who politically believe different than they do, to view the handful of skits which were not political.

I think partisan politics made people a lot of money for a while and shows could get by appealing to half the country and telling the other half to fuck off. Entertainment loved to hate Trump. Suddenly there isn’t as much of a market for anti right hatred. Gee, I wonder why the left is turning off the politics these days?? Hmmmmm?
Now CNN is hemorrhaging, MSNBC less so, Samantha Bee was cancelled, a near 50 year old staple, SNL may be on its last legs.
Fuck em.
Haven't watched since around the Chris Farley era, he was good. Ackroyd was better still.
The last time that I watched it was the night that Princess Diana died, I recall the (real) news breaking in. Good riddance to a show that was a shell of its former self.
I used to love he show with the original cast. Each iteration got worse and worse. Now all the cast and crew can go to the place they don’t believe in.
Unemployment due to you suck. I remember a classmate in '77 talking about this show, never heard of it, me being 12. Tuned it in the next weekend after conning mom to let me stay up. Much like your first, it shaped me a bit. The stuff that came later was just parody.
I bought the 1st season of SNL on DVD.
It had a great cast. Chevy Chase, Dan Ackroyd, John Belushi, Gilda Radner, Jane Curtain, Garrett Morris and Lorraine Newman.
This was the only year Chevy Chase was on the show, and everyone on the cast hated him.
He was the best at that time, and I think others were jealous.
But the jokes were thin and SNL became better after Bill Murray arrived.
The show has always been very inconsistent about being funny. I won't miss it at all.
In addition to the very early cast, the second golden age was casts including Chris Farley, David Spade, Rob Schneider, Will Farrell, Norm McDonald, etc.
Recent stuff every time I peaked at a skit was cringy bad.
I watched part of an episode decades ago.
Did not find it funny at all.
Watched a second time and it was no better.
Never bothered again, will not miss it.
They had a prime time show, 8:00PM for an anniversary years ago. They started out with "A Dick in the Box," I immediately shut it off, I had children in the room.
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