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Death smell

Alan F

Senior Member
I have smelled a smell that is very rare but related to a person decaying from the inside out. What would you say to a family member who recently started to smell that way? This is worse than body odor or bad breath combined, yet it's faint. You have to be close to smell it. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
I've smelled human decay and it's not pleasant at all. When I was stationed in Okinawa Japan, one of the warehouses I was in charge of (Corporal of the Guard), was the battalion armory, but in the Vietnam era is was the morgue (holdover area for bodies going back to the states), and on damp rainy days the smell came out and it was not nice. Many of the guards who patrolled that building would vomit in the beginning and after a while you get used to it, but it's a smell you never forget.
I have had dentists tell me that the appearance of gums in patients and the smell is an indicator if health. I will note that there have been animals (specifically a cat) in a care home that would come to the rooms of those near death and stay with the patient until they passed. This would take some weeks at times. It is theorized that the ability of this cat was based on smell.
There have been dogs who could smell certain diseases with accuracy, and if I remember there have been documented cases proving it
What you are smelling is the body metabolizing its own tissue instead of what you eat. Does it have a vague acetone or metallic chemical smell? Many years ago, I had an alcoholic friend, one evening out my girlfriend and I saw him and exchanged greetings. After he walked away, she said "Bruce is going to die soon" and explained about the smell. She was a doctor, so I took it to heart. Two months later, he died. He had progressed to the point where he did not eat, and all his body could fuel itself with was alcohol and muscle tissue.
The smell of death that Kevin mentioned, I know it well and just talking about it brings the taste into my throat.
Do I even want to know who this is?
When I had prostate cancer 12 years ago, I thought I was smelling something similar when I urinated. It was Nothing to do with urinary tact materials. It should have been a clue to me then about my own condition but I know this smell. When I can smell, I’m told I have a very keen sense of smell.

Dave I’ll just say it’s someone you know in the family. I’m paying close attention.
I know the smell, family members I would ask if they had a check up. A old folks home is a place you can smell the odor.
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