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Hit and Run Wicomico County, MD


Shop Foreman

On Friday night Danny, David and myself were victims of a horrific hit and run accident. It is only by the grace of God himself that were are all alive. We were on our way home with David when we’re were rear ended while we were driving, sending us off spinning out of control. I want to thank the Maryland state police and all of the volunteers from Pittsville Volunteer and Willard’s volunteer fire and rescue departments for all of their help involved. The driver of the Ford truck has not been apprehended. If anyone has any lead’s please contact myself or the Maryland State police barracks in Salisbury.
Here is a before picture of Danny’s 1972 Chevelle SS in mint condition, then after the accident.
I’ve tagged a bunch of local facebook friends to get the word out. Thank you.
Please feel free to tag yourself or share. David was sitting behind me in the passenger side. if you can see the damage you can understand rage.


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Yeah, not to be cliche, but glad everyone walked away from this. If that were a rare car it could be repaired but if it were mine, I'd give a burial and pluck the goodies. Seems like good detective work could nail that guy.
Fn guy was probably Drunk! it's too bad he got away because now they can't charge him with DUI on top of leaving the scene, why else would he leave? no DL? Edit also glad everyones OK and hope they had good ins.
I remember my uncles 68 Nova SS & 57 Chevy both got rear ended and crumpled to the back glass, Danny said the lady drove away after rear ending the Nova but the cops caught her shortly after and she was drunk, IIRC she was driving a Caddy, thinking more about I think she only got a few blocks away
In 1975 I was a passenger in my cousins 65 Biscayne traveling 70-75 mph and we had a head on collision with a New 1975 Nova doing the posted 35 mph speed limit, Biscayne looked like it was hit by a tank and the Nova was pretty messed up too, both cars totaled
In 1975 I was a passenger in my cousins 65 Biscayne traveling 70-75 mph and we had a head on collision with a New 1975 Nova doing the posted 35 mph speed limit, Biscayne looked like it was hit by a tank and the Nova was pretty messed up too, both cars totaled
Anybody get killed? How badly hurt? That must have been quite a crash.
Anybody get killed? How badly hurt? That must have been quite a crash.
My cousin was a high school football player around 200 lbs. 6 ft tall, bent the steering wheel into the bent in dash from the engine pushing the firewall back but he only bruised his chest, teen girl driving the 3 month old Nova got a broken nose and some ribs broken( she thought it was her fault, told the state trooper that and was ticketed) I bit the metal dash leaving teeth marks, laid my bottom front teeth back tearing the bottom gum 2 teeth came out of my face below my bottom lip, broke my 2 front upper teeth off at the gum line, my head went through the windshield then back into the seat, I got out of the car sat on the trunk and went into shock then woke up in the hosp. with my mouth jaws wired closed
Had to go do a few things, but ate through a straw for about a month, that girl was Not at fault I went down that street and you could see skid marks from my cousins car going into her lane right before the curve, the road went down and to the right and when the girl was coming up through the curve I think my cousin panicked and hit the brakes skidding into her side of the road, any halfass cop would've seen that
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