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1964 Oldsmobile Starfire Convertible


Well, interesting turn of events today. My wife was over visiting the neighbor today (kind of like a wellness check) and she mentioned something to my wife, so when Lisa came home after the visit she let me know that the neighbor (Laurel is her name) would like to sell me the car. Laurel is 81 (divorced for a number of years, sharp as a tack, and a real spitfire) and has a 1963 Olds Starfire convertible in all original condition (her father bought it for her brand new in 1963 so she's the original owner) and it's been sitting in her garage for as long as I've been living here (4 years) and I had seen the car before and it looked to be in great shape. Has around 100k miles if I remember correctly.

Well, she offered to sell me the car today for 5k. The car runs and drives and she's had it serviced every year since it's been in her garage.

Long story short, I couldn't say no. She even said she didn't mind if I flipped it which kind of shocked me because she said she wanted me to buy the car before and keep is so she knew it went to a good home where someone will always take care of it.

Well, Lisa is going to the bank tomorrow to pull 5k out and pay Laurel and I'll drive the car over to our house. Soon as I have it home I'll take some pics. I just couldn't pass it up.
Were they like the Pontiac tempest that had the trans in the rear with the torque tube?
Were they like the Pontiac tempest that had the trans in the rear with the torque tube?

Not sure. I haven't seen the car in 2 years and I can't remember. I do know it's a 394ci with 10.5:1 compression at 345 HP with 440ft lbs torque. That year only 4,401 were built.
Now you need to hurry up with that building!

Still waiting for the money to come back that I paid out for Lisa's surgery. I have everything else in place already, but can't place the order for the building until I have that money back since everything hinges on having the blueprints to get the permit.
My now deceased brother-in-law had a Starfire 2Dr Hardtop (white over blue) when he started dating my Sister (in Sarasota), and the first time I saw that car as a 13 year old gearhead I couldn't believe my eyes how cool that car was!!!! I remember at night one time when he opened the door and all those interior lights came on!...it looked like the cockpit of an expensive airplane!...sooooo cool! I'll never forget that car!

Way to go Kevin! I predict you & Lisa will fall in love with that car!!! One of the best cars of days past for sure!

Oh, by the way, my Dad loved Oldsmobiles...he owned several...all were white with torquoise blue interior! His '64 looked a lot like this Starfire (but it was a 4 door family car).

All the best,

Big fan of the Olds. Have no clue of your expertise outside Chevy, but for me, I got stuck in a rut on chevelles and got a renewed vigor towards all things car related once I bought an Olds. Sounds silly, but love the way Olds did the little things that construct a quality car. Congrats! and great decision.
Big fan of the Olds. Have no clue of your expertise outside Chevy, but for me, I got stuck in a rut on chevelles and got a renewed vigor towards all things car related once I bought an Olds. Sounds silly, but love the way Olds did the little things that construct a quality car. Congrats! and great decision.

Thanks. I'm not stuck on any one car maker. I actually like lots of different cars and I'm pretty good with all cars. The internet is my friend.

She had offered me the car for 17k 2 years ago but was kinda wishy washy about it, so it surprised me yesterday when Lisa said she wanted me to buy it for 5k.

Lisa has the cash and just let the neighbor know we'll bring it this afternoon.

Basically it's an offer I can't refuse.

I didn't say anything, but I thought it was a '64 because the tail lights give it away. They are just like my Dad's, so I was pretty sure but not positive. The earlier years weren't as boxy. I think my brother-in-laws was actually a '62 & it had the wide stainless metal? strip all along the sides. They are all gorgeous....ENJOY! Looks like red interior.


I didn't say anything, but I thought it was a '64 because the tail lights give it away. They are just like my Dad's, so I was pretty sure but not positive. The earlier years weren't as boxy. I think my brother-in-laws was actually a '62 & it had the wide stainless metal? strip all along the sides. They are all gorgeous....ENJOY! Looks like red interior.


Yes, it's a red interior complete without any tears or rips.
That will be a Great Riding/Cruzin Car for you and the Wife

That's why I couldn't pass it up, but that I'm buying it from the original owner is even better.

She gave me every piece of paperwork including the original order slip, options slip, and the sales slip along with her marriage certificate showing her name change (because her Dad bought it for her).

Truly a 1 owner car 57 years old and I have the full history of the car documented.
I remember when we had to get cars inspected for road safety, that Blue window sticker just reminded me of that, my old clunkers use to hate going there, Whatta ya mean I don't have enough tire tread on my back tires!...I don't need a stinkin horn I can YELL just fine! :ROFLMAO:
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