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Anyone need a free engine stand.. ?

When I moved my shop I had to throw one out. I had too much crap.
No one needed it, everyone already had one.
I think I paid $35.00 for it anyway.
I really could use it as I want to use it to make one end of a rotiseurie as I already have 1 end and some steel for the extension
tubes . Are you OK about shipping it ?
Yeah that's OK I'll still keep an eye on craigslist.I Knew the shipping would be the problem.FWIW I think it's great
that you even offered it for nothing.
This thread made me think about my cherry picker. I bought it either at the end of 2017 or the beginning of 2018. I went to an estate sale nearby and bought a cherry picker at an estate sale from Dyno Don Nicholson's grandson and guess who it belonged to. I'll never part with it until my own estate sale. It is a perfect purchase, not for the historic value but because it's built absolutely perfectly and tears down into individual pieces for easy travel. My greatest purchase at a happenstance event in my life.
This thread made me think about my cherry picker. I bought it either at the end of 2017 or the beginning of 2018. I went to an estate sale nearby and bought a cherry picker at an estate sale from Dyno Don Nicholson's grandson and guess who it belonged to. I'll never part with it until my own estate sale. It is a perfect purchase, not for the historic value but because it's built absolutely perfectly and tears down into individual pieces for easy travel. My greatest purchase at a happenstance event in my life.
Is it painted blue ? If so it could be a Bluebird one of the best American made cherry pickers. They break down very easily and go back up just as fast. They're like the Cadillac of cherry pickers
Is it painted blue ? If so it could be a Bluebird one of the best American made cherry pickers. They break down very easily and go back up just as fast. They're like the Cadillac of cherry pickers
Actually it doesn't look like it was ever painted. I've never even thought about it. I just went out and looked at it but see no signs of any color other than very light surface rust. I'm really old and it's the most well thought out cherry picker of my entire life. Don't even know if I'll ever use it again but that'll get sorted out after I'm gone. :oops:
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