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Jeff BeckšŸ˜¢

Nice writeup about him

Watch Jeff Beckā€™s Final Performance With Rod Stewart​

The former Jeff Beck Group bandmates came back together in 2019 for a special one-off show at the Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles


From the WSJ :

Guitarist Influenced Generations

Jeff Beck, one of rockā€™s most influential lead guitarists, whose aggressive, adventurous, innovative style helped mold blues rock, p s y c h e d e lia, heavy metal and jazz rock, has died at age 78.
The British guitar virtuoso, who was known both as a member of the Yardbirds and as founder of his own band, the Jeff Beck Group, died Tuesday after suddenly contracting bacterial meningitis, according to a statement from his family on Wednesday. Mr. Beck had recently completed a U.S. tour.
An eight-time Grammy Award winner, Mr. Beck was considered a guitaristā€™s guitarist. He started off with the Yardbirds in 1965, briefly replacing Eric Clapton as lead guitarist. In 1967, he formed his own loud, heavy-rock band, the Jeff Beck Group, which included singer Rod Stewart, Ron Wood and (eventually) Nicky Hopkins. Their sound helped shape 1970s heavy metal. This incarnation of the group released two highly regarded albums, 1968ā€™s
ā€œTruthā€ and 1969ā€™s ā€œBeck-Olaā€ and toured the U.S.
In the 1970s, Mr. Beck worked with different groups, honing a genre-bending, jazz-rock fusion attack, including on albums like 1975ā€™s acclaimed instrumental record ā€œBlow by Blow.ā€ For decades onwards, he combined his own work with frequent appearances on the recordings of other musicians like Mick Jagger, Roger Waters and Jon Bon Jovi. Last year, he released a collaborative album with Johnny Depp, ā€œ18.ā€
Mr. Beck was a two-time inductee of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fameā€”as a member of the Yardbirds in 1992 and as a solo artist in 2009. His albums have sold 2.4 million copies in the U.S. since 1991, when reliable, computerized data became available, according to Luminate, formerly Nielsen Music.
An outpouring of musicians including Mr. Jagger, Brian Wilson, Mr. Clapton, Living Colourā€™s Vernon Reid and Kathy Valentine of the Go-Goā€™s on Wednesday celebrated Mr. Beckā€™s musical contributions,


Jeff Beck was a two-time inductee of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fameā€”as a member of the Yardbirds in 1992 and as a solo artist in 2009. FRED PROUSER/ REUTERS

which have been foundational texts for generations of guitarists, from Led Zeppelinā€™s Jimmy Page to Guns Nā€™ Rosesā€™ Slash.
ā€œThe six-stringed Warrior is no longer here for us to admire the spell he could weave around our mortal emotions,ā€ Mr. Page wrote on Twitter on Wednesday. ā€œJeff could channel music from the ethereal.ā€
In addition to Jeff Beck's awesome and groundbreaking music and recordings Jeff was a died in the wool Hot Rodder. Years ago I saw a TV show about his Hot Rods that he had and I think at 1 time he had about 20 of them. But unliike most rock stars that simply buy them and drive them Jeff worked on them himself and even built a couple of rods.Of course he had some help but this guy had rodding skills.Quite a tinkerer so check out this U tube vid that shows a little bit of his skill set.
Watch this you tube video where Paul Cangilosia hand delivers (and visits) a rebuilding kit to Jeff Beck

It's only about 20 minutes long but if you don't have the patience or the time, the part with Jeff Beck starts at about 8:00 minutes in,it's a great insight into this guys car involvement..... Rest In Peace Jeff Beck
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