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Venturing Out Again

I am partial to dark haired or redheaded women, but will not discriminate :) The middle one has a 1,000 watt smile!
I would kiss that redhead where she pees!! Before I got married at age 31, I was really good at spotting and avoiding crazy. Hopefully, my instincts are intact. In case of any questions, I have a female friend who I trust implicitly who is watching out for me. When I first told her what my wife was up to, she offered to come by the house to douse her with lighter fluid and flick a match at her, and I believe she'd have done it, too.
What Jon says about redheads is true, as a rule. All joking aside, and sterotyping aside, what is it about red hair that makes it so?
I dated a couple of redheads in my early years, and that was enough to make me swear off them.

My Dad told me after both had that crazy look in their eyes when he met them and my Mom saw the impending train wrecks.

I'd asked them why they didn't say anything and they both responded at the same time saying, it's your life and you have to live it to learn.
Owner of an Old Time hardware store here in St Pete has a red head daughter that some times wears a shirt that says "God Gave Me A Warning Label", THEE worse 2 relationships I've ever been in were with Redheads, Good Luck out there Dave, the Right gal will find you.
My ex was a slight strawberry blonde......just a slight bit crazed. Love to see the science and magnitude scale on this one.
Many absolutely beautiful but batshit crazy women out there. My advice... Focus on getting right in your own skin and learn to like yourself all over again. The pain will always subside over time but focus on self and what you can improve on. You'll be good to go after a while.
My ex was a slight strawberry blonde......just a slight bit crazed. Love to see the science and magnitude scale on this one.

My ex was strawberry blond and crazy, then add bipolar disorder and you can guess the crazy shit I dealt with.
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