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I think I have a good idea as to how the pyramids were built.

I'm afraid I left something out of my simple procedure though.

Anyone have any good ideas and has anyone ever gone there?
A historical factoid.....the pyramids are actually 8 sided, split down each center. Reason is sound structure, based on resonance. The earth in it's cycle gives off a certain resonance, somewhere around 130hz, a mathematic function equated from distance from the sun and speed of travel. Some genius back then designed a shape that would mimic that frequency.....no shit. It's purpose was to limit or void deteriation of the structure.....a type of living structure. The divisions in the 4 sides aren't visible, until the sun just casts a shadow over the plane of that particular side. At that point the division is perfectly aligned bottom to tip. How'd they know, what type of instruments were used to establish this science........hmmm. Why was this only recently discovered? Were these architectural marvels passed down to the Greeks? Romans? Nope.
Yeah, we all know some things that were built before man was capable of such things were done by a smarter life form.

Do I think there are aliens? Yep. It's arrogant to think that we are the only intelligent life forms that exist.
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