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Happy Birthday Karen


Veteran Member
Senior Member
When I was 12 or 13 this song came out and I fell in love with her.
Sad she died like she did.
She's my favorite female singer. A one-of-a-kind voice.
Anorexia killed her indirectly. She was taking 'syrup of ipecac" so she could throw up when she felt guilty for eating.
The chemical damaged her heart and she eventually died of a heart attack.
Others tried to sing "Close to You" but got nowhere ; Neil Diamond recorded it first.
Karen's voice made it #1 on the charts.
Happy Birthday Karen.
She's my favorite female singer. A one-of-a-kind voice.
Anorexia killed her indirectly. She was taking 'syrup of ipecac" so she could throw up when she felt guilty for eating.
The chemical damaged her heart and she eventually died of a heart attack.
Others tried to sing "Close to You" but got nowhere ; Neil Diamond recorded it first.
Karen's voice made it #1 on the charts.
Happy Birthday Karen.
Back then, I was into Black Sabbath,Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin but, then again,I liked all types of music and when I heard her voice…🥰
Never going to claim any favorite, there's such a fantasic pool of female vocalists, even today. KC is way up there though.
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