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I just had a scare!


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It`s a nice day here today, about 50 deg. and with the rain we had, it washed away all the salt they put down last week so, I took my car out for a spin.
I drove about 3 miles to my shop and when I was turning at a stop sign, the steering wheel just kept turning??
The nut holding the wheel on came loose and I almost hit a guard rail.
I stopped in the middle of the road and backed up cause there were cars coming at me.
I pulled the cap off the steering wheel and tightened the nut by hand.
Scared the shit out of me. :whistle:
Never anything like that but in the 80’s I was pulling a 74 Ford work van out of the shops fenced yard and the steering box Fell Off, frame had rusted out and luckily I was just going a cpl mph but would’ve sucked had I been doing 40-50 mph
In 1985 I was having my Dodge Charger front end aligned. The Charger that's a front-wheel drive economy car.
The alignment tech forgot to reinstall the bracket that holds the front axle into the transmission (5 speed).
I drove 130 miles at 80 mph to Chattanooga to trade the car in on a new Shelby Charger.
As I was pulling into the dealership, there was a steep driveway at the entrance.
When I hit the dip in the driveway , the axle came out of the front passenger side and the tire/wheel came out from under the car !
That axle could have come loose while I was flying down the interstate !
The dealership looked it over and found no damage. The loose bracket was in place with no bolts; they bolted it down.
Whew ! That was a close one.
It`s a nice day here today, about 50 deg. and with the rain we had, it washed away all the salt they put down last week so, I took my car out for a spin.
I drove about 3 miles to my shop and when I was turning at a stop sign, the steering wheel just kept turning??
The nut holding the wheel on came loose and I almost hit a guard rail.
I stopped in the middle of the road and backed up cause there were cars coming at me.
I pulled the cap off the steering wheel and tightened the nut by hand.
Scared the shit out of me. :whistle:
On your Chevelle?
On your Chevelle?
Yes, the nut loosened up and the spring under it, pushed the wheel off the spline.
I check it all the time and I just tightened it last summer. Sometimes it loosens up but, never like that.
I just kept going straight. I didnt know what happened, till I pushed the wheel down.
Yes, the nut loosened up and the spring under it, pushed the wheel off the spline.
I check it all the time and I just tightened it last summer. Sometimes it loosens up but, never like that.
I just kept going straight. I didnt know what happened, till I pushed the wheel down.
Do you have an after market column? I know 72's hace a plate under the wheerl that is held in by a c-clip and the wheels sits on a spline then tightens.
Do you have an after market column? I know 72's hace a plate under the wheerl that is held in by a c-clip and the wheels sits on a spline then tightens.
No, it`s original.
No C-clip. I believe you are supposed to prick punch the thread so the nut cant come off.
But, I never did it when I replaced the horn and direction signal switches.
I’m going to check my 68 now, I replaced the steering wheel a cpl yrs ago with another from EBay that I repaired and installed, I think I did it right 🙄
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