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Last project my Dad and I did together...


My Mom included this picture in my birthday card this year and she wanted me to have it to remember my Dad when he wasn't sick and the time he and I spent together. This was around 1990. The project didn't really matter, it was spending time with my Dad that mattered to me. He died from cancer in 2007.

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Thats a lot of the stuff missing from families these days in kids. Fathers spending quality time with their kids. You might not think anything about it then, But I know what it means to me now and the lessons I learned. Even the bad ones !
Great stuff. I'll add to Mike's comments.....the fact you have physical pictures of loved ones and special times is priceless. How many of us today print out or get our digital files developed?? I'm guilty but it's been......forgive me....."top of mind".
Kevin that's what life use to be about, Fathers working or helping with repairs on about anything, I remember my dad showing me and me helping to rebuild a 312 Ford engine in a 57 Ranchero, changing clutch/pres plate TO and pilot bearings in a few Ford trucks, he wouldn't help me with anything Chevy or Mopar though lol, regrettably no pics of any of that stuff though, I'd get that pic blown up and framed (y)
Oh, I thought the project was cleaning out the garage. Great Dad, I'm sure of that.

Cleaning the garage out was an ongoing thing for my younger brother and I even after we moved out. My parents grew up in the depression so they saved everything, so my brother and I were constantly throwing stuff out. They didn't hoard stuff, but saved everything if it could be used again, but at some point there's no more space, so we'd clean out the garage monthly.
Great pictures Kevin. Good memories always overcome the not so good.

My father and I have never had similar interests, it is good to see you and he working together and you are correct, the project did not matter.
My dad and I were attached at the hip til I ws 15 and got interested in cars. He never understood it. We used to go to the mall together in Friday evenings, most of my friends would not be seen in public with their parents, my sister was that way but I never was. Neither of my kids were either.
My dad and I were attached at the hip til I ws 15 and got interested in cars. He never understood it. We used to go to the mall together in Friday evenings, most of my friends would not be seen in public with their parents, my sister was that way but I never was. Neither of my kids were either.

My Dad was always working and when he got home he was too tired to want to do anything.

It wasn't until I had already moved out, was in and out of the USMC, and gotten married when he finally retired (he retired at 59) is when we got to spend alot of time together, and I cherish those times.

What I cherish more than anything is the candid conversations we had when we were doing anything. I still miss those to this day.

My kids wanted to do their own thing with friends, but as they grew up and saw how their friends families were they realized that Mom and Dad were pretty cool and they wanted to hang out with us more (and often included their friends). Until we moved out of our last house last July, we used to have family dinners one day a week (when everyone had the day / night off) and we all miss that and when our new place is done, we'll start that back up again.
I wish I had pictures of when me and my dad worked on my cars and trucks.
I had a 73 riviera that blew a head gasket and we changed it in my driveway in the middle of November of 1982. It was a bit cold.
Just had my second kid and I couldn’t/ wouldn’t go to a garage to get it done.
Then, in 83, he gave me his beater 1964 C-10 pickup for a daily driver cause, my wife took over the Riv and about 2 years later the motor blew. We went to every junkyard around and found a 68 motor and dropped it in.
So, I know how you feel Kevin.
We had some great times. So many memories that keep you happy and grateful, that you will pass on to your children and grandchildren.
I wish I had pictures of when me and my dad worked on my cars and trucks.
I had a 73 riviera that blew a head gasket and we changed it in my driveway in the middle of November of 1982. It was a bit cold.
Just had my second kid and I couldn’t/ wouldn’t go to a garage to get it done.
Then, in 83, he gave me his beater 1964 C-10 pickup for a daily driver cause, my wife took over the Riv and about 2 years later the motor blew. We went to every junkyard around and found a 68 motor and dropped it in.
So, I know how you feel Kevin.
We had some great times. So many memories that keep you happy and grateful, that you will pass on to your children and grandchildren.

Yep. Grandpa loved his grandkids and spoiled them rotten with attention. Whenever my Dad comes up in a conversation they remember how their Grandpa was and they miss him.

I showed the picture to my youngest today and she had tears in her eyes. Grandpa used to call her "My little sweetie" and she still remembers.
Dad helped me once. I was visiting them in MD from NC in a 83 Olds 98, it lost a transmission. I went to a junkyard and bought one. I was doing this on the floor so after a trip to my uncles to borrow tools I got the transmission out and Dad and I got the replacement one in. He suggested we use blocks of wood to get it up rather than me bench pressing it. (I was a lot younger then). I still do it that way.
My Mom included this picture in my birthday card this year and she wanted me to have it to remember my Dad when he wasn't sick and the time he and I spent together. This was around 1990. The project didn't really matter, it was spending time with my Dad that mattered to me. He died from cancer in 2007.

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Awesome priceless photo. Was his cancer related to Agent Orange?
Awesome priceless photo. Was his cancer related to Agent Orange?

My cousin Alex died from agent orange (my Dad's blood nephew who fought in Vietnam), but my Dad (who served in the Korean War) died from prostate cancer that instead of just using pinpoint radiation, they implanted radioactive seeds with surgery, and shortly thereafter it spread throughout his body and went into his bones. Then it was game over and he stopped all treatments because he wasn't going to suffer. These so called doctors who think they know better should have known it was better to just irradiate than to operate. All assholes in my book.

My cousin who's 4 years younger than me (lives in NYC) has prostate cancer and they wanted to operate and I begged and pleaded with him not to, so he went to several doctors and all but one wanted to operate and the last one said to him there was no need to operate, 5 consecutive days of pinpoint radiation on his prostate and they will kill it (the cancer that is), so he took my advice and went that route. Today is his last day of treatment and he said his cubes feel like they were sunburnt, but he'd take that over death any day of the week and twice on Sunday's. They will test him in May to verify they got it all, but the doctor is 99.9% sure they will get it the first round.
My cousin Alex died from agent orange (my Dad's blood nephew who fought in Vietnam), but my Dad (who served in the Korean War) died from prostate cancer that instead of just using pinpoint radiation, they implanted radioactive seeds with surgery, and shortly thereafter it spread throughout his body and went into his bones. Then it was game over and he stopped all treatments because he wasn't going to suffer. These so called doctors who think they know better should have known it was better to just irradiate than to operate. All assholes in my book.

My cousin who's 4 years younger than me (lives in NYC) has prostate cancer and they wanted to operate and I begged and pleaded with him not to, so he went to several doctors and all but one wanted to operate and the last one said to him there was no need to operate, 5 consecutive days of pinpoint radiation on his prostate and they will kill it (the cancer that is), so he took my advice and went that route. Today is his last day of treatment and he said his cubes feel like they were sunburnt, but he'd take that over death any day of the week and twice on Sunday's. They will test him in May to verify they got it all, but the doctor is 99.9% sure they will get it the first round.
Am terribly sorry for both losses to be sure. I was one of the lucky one's who thus far have survived AO related cancer. I was stage 4 when diagnosed. Cancer is a bitch to be sure. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if some "experimants" were done in Korea either. Like when some gaggle of assholes sends billions of taxpayer's money to a war far far away. Someone is making a killing so to speak.
My dad and I spent a lot of time on the golf course. We would play every Saturday morning with two of his buddies.
And we went to college football bowl games whenever his alma mater (Virginia Tech) was playing nearby.
I saw Archie Manning (Peyton's dad) beat VT in the 1966 Liberty Bowl. Lots of good memories.
Am terribly sorry for both losses to be sure. I was one of the lucky one's who thus far have survived AO related cancer. I was stage 4 when diagnosed. Cancer is a bitch to be sure. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if some "experimants" were done in Korea either. Like when some gaggle of assholes sends billions of taxpayer's money to a war far far away. Someone is making a killing so to speak.

Glad you beat it.

My cousin Alex died from pancreatic cancer. He was an amputee (lower right leg was destroyed by enemy fire while he was pulling his friend to safety), so he had aches and pains all the time, but by the time they figured out he had cancer it was way too late and he refused treatment from the VA.
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