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My Son Paul


Yesterday my son Paul called and he was beyond pissed. His superintendent ripped him and his apprentice a new asshole for not getting enough done and my son was about 2 seconds from telling him to fuck off, but he held his tongue (much better than I could do, so he gets that from his momma).

This morning the boss (the superintendent) called him into his office to speak with him explaining that Paul did nothing wrong yesterday, but the apprentice has been complaining to the higher ups that the boss is always yelling at him and not Paul. Chris (Paul's boss) was in a meeting this morning with the VP and other superintendents to give status of the projects (Chris is in charge of the Tampa International Airport project Paul is working on), when at some point in the meeting Chris spoke up and told the VP he wants Paul to become a Foreman and wants him to attend the company classes. The VP said that Paul is only 45 days into his 90 days, but also remarked that when he has observed Paul, he's a go getter, has an old school work ethic, does and excellent job laying out the job and materials, very good at guidance of apprentices, is very detail oriented, and does excellent quality work. The VP went on to say that after Paul's 90 days are completed and if things remain as they are, he will be going to the classes (they are 1 month long) and will be made a Foreman right after. Chris is the hardest superintendent in the company to work for and Paul is doing a great job.

Paul called to tell me this about 20 minutes ago.

I've always told him (and my other kids) the only person who can stop you in life is you, and the sky is the limit as long as you can see it.

Can you tell from my post how damn proud of my son I am? Can you feel it? He's 25 years old and has a future as bright as the sun.
Back in the day, we had competitions within the workday to get the most done. Performance was high, workdays seemed short. The inverse is true today, and it's mind numbing. I wish him the best, but crawling up the ladder as fast as he can will help. Your pride serves him well, and opportunities will come his way as he elevates.
Sounds like a great kid.

I told my son when he was in high school that he should go to college and save himself 30 years of climbing the ladder. Wouldn’t you know it, he graduated from college with a bachelor degree in computer science and minor in math and got a job before he even graduated making 50% more than me. I’m pretty proud as well. I text him every day and he actually texts back. 😃
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Back in the day, we had competitions within the workday to get the most done. Performance was high, workdays seemed short. The inverse is true today, and it's mind numbing. I wish him the best, but crawling up the ladder as fast as he can will help. Your pride serves him well, and opportunities will come his way as he elevates.

Yes, back in the day we all had a great amount of pride for the work we did, and now pride is a dirty word to most. I suspect Paul will climb the ladder faster than most, but his next goal is to become a Master Electrician. He's 1.5 years away from being able to test. He has more than enough hours already (he works buttloads of overtime).
Sounds like a great kid.

I told my son when he was in high school that he should go to college and save himself 30 years of climbing the ladder. Wouldn’t you know it, he graduated from college with a computer science degree and some math minor and got a job before he even graduated making 50% more than me. I’m pretty proud as well. I text him every day and he actually texts back. 😃

I don't think it really matters what career they choose, as long as they are happy and successful personally and professionally.

Congrats to you and your son.
I am an old school tradesman and was taught old school work ethics. Kids today don't like hard work and would rather make a living gaming if they could.

Cudos to Paul for pursuing a career in the trades. We need more people like Paul to replace guys like me who are aging out of the trades. Once again cudos to Paul and all youngins like him.
It`s a great feeling when you`ve raised your kids right.
My 2 boys work for me. My oldest started with me when he was 15. He`ll be 45 this November.
He works like I used to work (I`ve slowed a bit :whistle: ).
My youngest will do the work and he does a great job but, he would rather be doing something else.
He doesn't realize the money to made or he does and he dose`nt care. He lives in Brooklyn and comes up when I have certain jobs for him.
Sure it`s hard work, very physical and dangerous but, the money is there. If you know what you are doing and they both know.
My daughter even works for me part time. She will trim parts an a machine lathe, no problem and she likes it.
She works for the state taking care of handicapped kids.
It`s a great feeling when you`ve raised your kids right.
My 2 boys work for me. My oldest started with me when he was 15. He`ll be 45 this November.
He works like I used to work (I`ve slowed a bit :whistle: ).
My youngest will do the work and he does a great job but, he would rather be doing something else.
He doesn't realize the money to made or he does and he dose`nt care. He lives in Brooklyn and comes up when I have certain jobs for him.
Sure it`s hard work, very physical and dangerous but, the money is there. If you know what you are doing and they both know.
My daughter even works for me part time. She will trim parts an a machine lathe, no problem and she likes it.
She works for the state taking care of handicapped kids.
When you're three-for-three (raising good kids) there's a lot to be thankful for :)
It`s a great feeling when you`ve raised your kids right.
My 2 boys work for me. My oldest started with me when he was 15. He`ll be 45 this November.
He works like I used to work (I`ve slowed a bit :whistle: ).
My youngest will do the work and he does a great job but, he would rather be doing something else.
He doesn't realize the money to made or he does and he dose`nt care. He lives in Brooklyn and comes up when I have certain jobs for him.
Sure it`s hard work, very physical and dangerous but, the money is there. If you know what you are doing and they both know.
My daughter even works for me part time. She will trim parts an a machine lathe, no problem and she likes it.
She works for the state taking care of handicapped kids.

My oldest son will be 40 this year and he works for Honda in CT as an assembly line foreman (automobile assembly), my eldest daughter will be 38 this year and is an RN in NC. Paul is my third and will be 26, Joseph (my autistic son) will be 25, and Christina (youngest) will be 22 and she's a chef making a buttload of money, but works alot. I'm proud of all my kids and we couldn't have hoped for a better outcome.
When you're three-for-three (raising good kids) there's a lot to be thankful for :)
I attribute it mostly to my wife's doing. I was always working to get my business off the ground and she made sure they stayed out of trouble.
But when they became old enough to work for me they did. And now, my 2 grandsons will start soon. I hope. 🙏
Youngest (from my oldest boy) already did, somewhat.
I attribute it mostly to my wife's doing. I was always working to get my business off the ground and she made sure they stayed out of trouble.
But when they became old enough to work for me they did. And now, my 2 grandsons will start soon. I hope. 🙏
Youngest (from my oldest boy) already did, somewhat.

I can't take much credit either as I was always working. Lisa raised them mostly and did a tremendous job. They have all grown up with a loving but stern household.
My oldest son will be 40 this year and he works for Honda in CT as an assembly line foreman (automobile assembly), my eldest daughter will be 38 this year and is an RN in NC. Paul is my third and will be 26, Joseph (my autistic son) will be 25, and Christina (youngest) will be 22 and she's a chef making a buttload of money, but works alot. I'm proud of all my kids and we couldn't have hoped for a better outcome.
That`s a big plant. I drive by on my way to customer down the street from there.
I always assumed they made aircraft parts there. Maybe because that`s what`s mostly around that area?
That`s a big plant. I drive by on my way to customer down the street from there.
I always assumed they made aircraft parts there. Maybe because that`s what`s mostly around that area?

Not sure, we don't talk much. We had a falling out years ago when his mother was badmouthing me and has since refused to talk to his mother, but told his sister (my eldest daughter) he knows now it wasn't me but his mother who was the bad apple.
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