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Both the events surrounding Target and BL should be perfect examples of why as a company, you keep your mouth shut. Target has always been a liberal outfit, so if you want to support liberal businesses you already were a customer. “Tuck friendly” swimsuits in your face when you enter the store likely got them zero new customers.

But when you pull back from your radicalism because you offend conservatives, the radicals get offended that you didn’t double down. So now you’ve pissed off both sides for no benefit.
I think a majority are sick and tired of this rainbow shit.
Gay men and lesbians are ready to kick the trannies out for good.
The powerful wef is controlling the banks, and are in lock step trying to push the alphabet soup so it's going to take more than a fleeting battle to win this. Yes, the sensible gays are ashamed of these extremists and retaliatory hate groups, but sensibility has left the room, so all we can do is fight legislation that divides and gives special rights....and dilutes the constitutuion.
I hate Target. I won't shop there because they don't allow Salvation Army bell ringers. Target can Fuck Off! 🖕

Edit: I save about a large coffee can of change every year, from my cash purchases. I dump that into the red bucket of the Salvation Army every Christmas.
Salvation Army kept me from being sworn into the real Army in 78, over being on traffic probation 🤬
Details !
This sounds interesting :)
Street racing led to loosing my license, fines and 6 months SA probation then violated prob street racing, driving on suspended lic went from 6 months to auto 5 yrs and more prob, I took the ASVAB? Test and passed, went to Jville for physical (fail hearing but was waived and under expected weight but waived) but they couldn’t swear me in because of probation so when I got back to St Pete I went to prob office and Mr Asshole Carl Gingola Would Not sign forms releasing me from prob and told judge he rec’d I finish the full prob time, by then I had no interest in joining the Army PS he also later violated me and 2 Det came to my home while I was eating breakfast getting ready for work, they said not to worry I’ll probably be in and out the same day, spent 63 days in B2 ( basement of old Ft Harrison bldg) lost job and apt then judge said something wasn’t right with warrant and released me free and clear 🤨
Street racing led to loosing my license, fines and 6 months SA probation then violated prob street racing, driving on suspended lic went from 6 months to auto 5 yrs and more prob, I took the ASVAB? Test and passed, went to Jville for physical (fail hearing but was waived and under expected weight but waived) but they couldn’t swear me in because of probation so when I got back to St Pete I went to prob office and Mr Asshole Carl Gingola Would Not sign forms releasing me from prob and told judge he rec’d I finish the full prob time, by then I had no interest in joining the Army PS he also later violated me and 2 Det came to my home while I was eating breakfast getting ready for work, they said not to worry I’ll probably be in and out the same day, spent 63 days in B2 ( basement of old Ft Harrison bldg) lost job and apt then judge said something wasn’t right with warrant and released me free and clear 🤨
Wow, sounds like Mr Gingola was a Grade A arshole.
They handed you a lemon and you made lemonade. :)
So they sentenced you to community service at the Salvation Army ?
And while you were at work holding a job, they decided you needed more punishment ? Sheesh ! Glad they didn't turn you into a criminal !
Wow, sounds like Mr Gingola was a Grade A arshole.
They handed you a lemon and you made lemonade. :)
So they sentenced you to community service at the Salvation Army ?
And while you were at work holding a job, they decided you needed more punishment ? Sheesh ! Glad they didn't turn you into a criminal !
Gingola was a real PIMA and POS, I think he had a superiority complex, I got in more trouble but after your 3rd DWLS/R it’s a felony so didn’t have to deal with SA after that, then Semi smartened up and only drove when absolutely necessary and No Hot Rodding, they expect you to pay fines but Do Not Drive to work lol
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