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I don't go into that store anyways, so no loss for me.

Add this to the Woke Companies to avoid thread.
I think Target was one of the first to allow men into womens' bathrooms.
Corporations are behind the moral decline in America.
I hate Target. Shopped going there years ago, after they stopped allowing Salvation Army bell ringers there around the holidays.
They only seem to be in high population cites (where liberals are). There are no Targets within like 70 miles of me that I've seen.
I'm sure you're just fine, but if you wake up one morning and have a craving for fruit loops while staring at a blue sky beyond a rainbow, we can talk you through it. Us white supremists need to stick together.
I'm sure you're just fine, but if you wake up one morning and have a craving for fruit loops while staring at a blue sky beyond a rainbow, we can talk you through it. Us white supremists need to stick together.
Agreed :)
Nice to know you got my back :LOL:
Haven’t been in a Target in 7+ yrs since one of the girls asked me to buy her something they had on sale there and I didn’t like the floor layout then so never went back, Oh Go Woke Go Broke 😂😆👍👍
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