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Karma anyone? OceanGate sub CEO wanted diversity hires. No “old white guys.”


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I think the racist CEO who wanted diversity over qualifications might have made a fatal mistake. He reportedly wanted “inspirational” people instead of ex-military as if you can’t be inspirational if you were ex military.

From Fox:

OceanGate CEO explains why he didn't want to hire '50-year-old White guys' to pilot subs​

OceanGate Expeditions CEO Stockton Rush, who is aboard the missing submersible, once explained why he preferred not to hire "50-year-old White guys" with military experience to pilot his company's vessels.
Rush said he valued captains who were "inspirational" over experience, noting that "anybody can drive the sub," which is controlled with a $30 video game controller.
"When I started the business, one of the things you'll find, there are other sub-operators out there, but they typically have gentlemen who are ex-military submariners, and you'll see a whole bunch of 50-year-old White guys," Rush told Teledyne Marine in a 2020 Zoom interview.
Praying for a miracle here, but it looks bleak.
I gotta say, very few folks I'd entrust my life to without competent backup. Appears this sub had a number of non-redundant safety features which is just not supposed to happen. 50 year old white guys are getting a bum rap, but not much has been successful as of late with the alternative.
I'm with Jerry on this one. No way I'd trust my life to someone who doesn't put safety first, and from what I've read, this sub has been problematic since day one. You'd figure they'd work out all the kinks before they take the public down, but that wasn't the case. Sorry for the families of those on board, because based on the safety features and backup systems they mentioned, I give it a less than 5% chance of recovery with anyone alive.
Horrific way to die. Hope they can be rescued. Seems like a long shot with time quickly running out.
As far as entrusting your life to unproven systems without back up:

In another interview with "CBS Sunday Morning," Rush revealed the craft is controlled with a modified Logitech F710 wireless gamepad, which retails for $30 on Amazon.IMG_0024.jpegThe guy who ran this company valued a good story over experience and training and entrusted a literal toy to the control of the ship.
And the people that got into that sub were smarter than the average Joe, if I seen what controlled that sub I'd do a 180* and head for the door, air supposably ran out about 25 min ago, very sad that the sub owner had No Back Up Plan
Entirely possible. The pressure at those depths will kill instantly, so hopefully there was little to no suffering except for those with the knowledge of the impending doom.
That shitbox has hand or foot controls, not whizbang remote from an x-box......and 140mph in 1 atmosphere vs. 100 or so.......not a good analogy of risk management.

Edit...at full depth, over 380 atmospheres
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